I was going to launch into a rant about a few things here but decided perception is very hard to argue against so I won't.
A couple of points though.
If you are only looking for a 'discounter' the chances are very high you will end up paying more than you need to and/or get lower quality. Knowing the NZ marine market a 'discounter' would be the last place I'd look for quality
gear at a sharp price. There is a very good reason for this if you think about it.
Considering the amount of
gear shipped around the world from NZ, including much US and EU made product, NZ pricing can't be that bad. We have shipped piles of gear to the US as we are approx. half the price even after
shipping. We don't send as much as many other NZ companies I know.
With no disrespect intended, Danika, does seem to be suffering a common thing many we see from the US down here. NZ is the size of a small town in the middle of one state in the US. We don't have large scale anything except sheep.
Can't really compear flare prices Steve. The freight charges on dangerous goods are bloody evil.
An aussie company which has massive market share over there has been in NZ for a couple of year now. They are bleeding
money here and are struggling very hard to compete.
I'd love to have the big margins a US mate does, many so called 'discounters' here have but as we are not going down the
china made
route we don't. We are not alone.
On 90% of our product lines our German, US, Italian, Japanese made product is the same or cheaper than the 'discounters' chinese made product. We are not alone.
Gord is spot on. Many don't decide what they sell for, the multi-national they buy from often does.
What are you after Danika? It sounds as if it's some specific items. Lets see if we can change your perception.