Itchy - Read Tristan Jones' account of sailing SeaDart down the Peruvian coast against the Humbolt
Current before you decide to try it yourself! By pure chance I was motorcycling thru the Peruvian antiplano on a
Honda 250 dirtbike in '72 when Tristan trucked SeaDart to Lake Titicaca and confounded lake indians by sailing into
wind.[ I shocked some native girls myself by taking a birdbath in the lake. ]
Probably the 1st to sail south along the coast of El Peru was the founder of Lima, Pizarro, he of Inca conquest fame. But that incredibly lucky conquistador unknowingly had the advantage of the 9-year window between La Nin^a and El Nin^o when winds were uniquely favorable.
If you do go, stop in at the rickety
dock in Paita, coastal
fishing town near Piura 150 statute mi south of N. border, and be sure and take along plenty of
water, as the entire coast of Peru is desert....starting at the northern border with
sam SOUTHERNAIRE burns, C309, Alameda, CA