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Old 11-10-2003, 18:06   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2003
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Posts: 148
Yeah-- It's me again

I was sitting on the engine cover of Warchant, my drydocked 29 Cascade and quaffing a few brews while the epoxied cabin sole experiment cured. This led to a rather philosophical outlook. I looked at the uncovered floors and thought of how they would move in a seaway. I did this in order to anticipate the stresses involved( yea right !)I figured that they would move in a somewhat corkscrew fashion. This took a lot of concentration on my part, seeing as how my consciousness was liberated and holding a straight line thought was EXTREMELY difficult, but I persevered and SUCCEEDED. I drew the conclusion that a sailor by concentrating exclusively on how the boat was moving and all the periferals there to, there wasn't a thought left for wether the sailor fit into a certain pidgeon hole socially or politically, the normal landlocked dillema. In other words, he/she didn't sweat the unimportant s**t that didn't deal with wether or not the boat stayed floating !
I, in my revery, could only wish that someday this Nirvana state could be had by yours truly. If I am in error here, please enlighten me-after I go out for a few more brews to persue this thought further !
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Old 11-10-2003, 22:18   #2
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Hey thar Fixer,
Just stick with it and you'll get the there!

I have this Mate a couple o'slots down the way. He's been working on his float for three years now and bout done. You see'm here startin to put on the barrier coat after repairin a hundred or so blisters. He picked up this ole 32 Coranado that was half sunk for $800. He rebuilt the motor, replaced all the wiring, fixed a broken rudder and ground and ground and ground each and every blister on that ole bottom. As well as cutting out and replacing part of the foredeck.
Now that's dedication. He seeing light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe Nov. or Dec. she'll be cast off for that awesome voyage just to haul out again and fix a bunch more stuff that showed up during the float.
So, don't feel pregnant. There are others out here puttin on the same slippers. Just remember, it'll be the fruit of YOUR labor!
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