I was sitting on the
engine cover of Warchant, my drydocked 29 Cascade and quaffing a few brews while the epoxied
cabin sole experiment cured. This led to a rather philosophical outlook. I looked at the uncovered floors and thought of how they would move in a seaway. I did this in order to anticipate the stresses involved( yea right !)I figured that they would move in a somewhat corkscrew fashion. This took a lot of concentration on my part, seeing as how my consciousness was liberated and holding a straight line thought was EXTREMELY difficult, but I persevered and SUCCEEDED. I drew the conclusion that a sailor by concentrating exclusively on how the
boat was moving and all the periferals there to, there wasn't a thought left for wether the sailor fit into a certain pidgeon hole socially or politically, the normal landlocked dillema. In other words, he/she didn't sweat the unimportant s**t that didn't deal with wether or not the
boat stayed floating !
I, in my revery, could only wish that someday this Nirvana state could be had by yours truly. If I am in error here, please enlighten me-after I go out for a few more brews to persue this thought further !