Here is what I have now... (attached, i hope)
Yes, it would be good to have all that detail per anchorage, but it seems that many anchorage spots are known and frequented because they are good or good enough. I think knowing the location is primary and then one can start to
research how good it is and how it could fit into a plan.
If there was a site that had a database of gps coords I could turn that into a KML doc for
google earth... (I did this for the
ICW and
bahamas for my garmin) or maybe I should just start my own site where anyone can enter names and coords... then I can publish the KML doc.
If I created such a site, do you think anyone would use/support it by entering there anchorages, from
books, guides, experience, etc.?
I could probably have a site up in a day or two...