Hi all, I am
shopping for my own cruiser right now, but its going slow,... I live in the Northwest and I am getting severe
cabin fever and I need a little adventure preferably in Mexican waters (open to other areas). What I propose is a voyage, or coast hopping journey of about 1 - 3 weeks long, and where I would take up very little room and contribute as much as I can. That includes cost$$ of
diesel fuel, and other marina expenses, and I will assist as crew to whatever extent I can. I expect no travel compensation from you or special arrangements.
I hesitate to submit this post under "crew positions" because I don't think I would meet the expectations of people needing serious crew... and I would rather just ride along and share the experience and certainly provide company and help out where I can.
About me:
Mature male with adult
Retired, physically active
Seattle area residence
Very "book-learned" on sailing and
research on a
boat of my own
Love to adventure and travel, meet new people - much experience
Have spent many adventures in
Mexico, on land, and usually near a coast (love the sea)
Have actually crewed for one week on a 44 foot mono-hull in the
Sea of Cortez
I can cook, and am mechanically and electrically inclined
Good conversationalist
Non-smoking or other vices
I can respond quickly and very spontaneous
Any ideas or suggestions gratefully accepted.