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Old 21-09-2013, 16:41   #1
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Which Boat would you take if Both were Free to You?

Okay, I know I am gonna get alot of input and opinions....but that is what I want. So, here goes:
Question: If you wanted to keep a boat in the Chesapeake, but also wanted to keep it in the winter in S. Florida....and then to the Bahamas and the Caribbean (Virgin Islands) and maybe eventually down to Cuba and the Yucatan. But mostly in the Chesapeake and the Florida Keys....and,
you would be single-handing alot but would also have a spouse to sometimes crew; and you had to factor in insurance costs, marina costs and general maintenance; and you knew that because of your situation/age that this would be your only boat to get - and your goal was to pay it off so you could retire and only pay maintenance costs...and you were gonna live on this boat alone and/or with your spouse for maybe 3 months straight at a time.......and someone was willing to give you two boats of similar value (okay, just go with my hypothetical and don't get all nitpicky/intellectual on me like 'why do you have to only choose between those two boats...') and this was your opportunity and ONLY options....just saying...would you choose: (and 'neither' is not an option as a response...)
would you choose...if you had to pick:
1.) a 35 foot well-equipped Island Packet mono-hull, or a
2.) well equipped 34 foot Gemini Catamaran

which one would you pick and WHY?

Thanks for your specific 'answer the question and not give your opinion on other options' response-

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Old 21-09-2013, 16:56   #2
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Re: which boat would you take - if both were free?

Great - another mono - multi thread. Great.
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Old 21-09-2013, 23:04   #3
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Re: which boat would you take - if both were free?

Originally Posted by advocate777 View Post
which one would you pick and WHY?
How old is the Packet and how old is the Gemini? Does your wife get seasick?

Both look like very nice boats. A Gemini fits into a standard slip so it shouldn't have more costs than the packet. OK, I have not sailed either of these boats, but if you are both going to live in there for 3 months I would lean toward the Gemini, assuming the condition of both of them is equal. Your wife (and you) will get less seasick, the main cabin is fantastic, and you both can get a little more separate from each other when you need alone time. If you are older, there's fewer steps to climb up/down as well. The only problem with the Gemini would be the poor visibility from the helm and a small water tank (60 gallons).
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Old 22-09-2013, 00:20   #4
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Re: which boat would you take if both were free to you?

I would be with the 35 ft....less expense
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Old 22-09-2013, 01:13   #5
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Re: which boat would you take if both were free to you?

The IP because long term it has far greater ability to take you anywhere you might want to go which includes St Thomas and the Yucatan Straights. Off-shore beating into wind, waves and current there is no contest.

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Old 22-09-2013, 01:30   #6
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I would choose the monohull. The IP is a nice boat. Less dockage, paint, one less engine/transmission, etc.

I like cats but do think they need a larger budget for upkeep, dockage and storage. A good test would be asking those who are or have been in these areas with similar boats to estimate the costs. Of course the condition will be a factor but all things being equal there I'd go IP.

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Old 22-09-2013, 01:56   #7

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Re: which boat would you take if both were free to you?

Originally Posted by advocate777 View Post
Okay, I know I am gonna get alot of input and opinions....but that is what I want. So, here goes:
Question: If you wanted to keep a boat in the Chesapeake, but also wanted to keep it in the winter in S. Florida....and then to the Bahamas and the Caribbean (Virgin Islands) and maybe eventually down to Cuba and the Yucatan. But mostly in the Chesapeake and the Florida Keys....and,
you would be single-handing alot but would also have a spouse to sometimes crew; and you had to factor in insurance costs, marina costs and general maintenance; and you knew that because of your situation/age that this would be your only boat to get - and your goal was to pay it off so you could retire and only pay maintenance costs...and you were gonna live on this boat alone and/or with your spouse for maybe 3 months straight at a time.......and someone was willing to give you two boats of similar value (okay, just go with my hypothetical and don't get all nitpicky/intellectual on me like 'why do you have to only choose between those two boats...') and this was your opportunity and ONLY options....just saying...would you choose: (and 'neither' is not an option as a response...)
would you choose...if you had to pick:
1.) a 35 foot well-equipped Island Packet mono-hull, or a
2.) well equipped 34 foot Gemini Catamaran

which one would you pick and WHY?

Thanks for your specific 'answer the question and not give your opinion on other options' response-


You're going to pay a lot more to dock the Gemini. She'll cost more to haul out, too. The Gemini would be faster and that's always a plus for me. But I think finances would win out in your situation and I'd go with the IP. Nice boat.
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Old 22-09-2013, 02:28   #8
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Re: which boat would you take if both were free to you?

Island Packet
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Old 22-09-2013, 05:50   #9
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Old 22-09-2013, 05:55   #10
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Re: which boat would you take if both were free to you?

The Island packet because I know these are quality boats and keep a good resale value. Maintenance ( esp. One engine instead of 2) and docking costs will be less leaving you with more cruising funds. Of course I might be a bit biased because I have an IP40 and love that boat!
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Old 22-09-2013, 07:12   #11
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Re: which boat would you take if both were free to you?

While the OP did ask for opinions, I think he will enjoy some facts also:

Dockage for the Gemini will be the same as for the IP because the Gemini fits into a regular single slip. Haulout the same for the same reason. In fact, I have never seen haulouts more expensive for catamarans - they all charge by the foot. Yard storage may differ - but not for the Gemini.

The Gemini will use the same, or less, bottom paint than the IP.

Engine maintenance costs will be the same because the Gemini only has one engine. Even if it had two engines, the costs are the same because most catamarans only motor on one engine at a time when motoring for longer time than docking - so the oil change/maintenance intervals are twice as long as for a single engine boat.

Insurance will be based on the replacement value and age of the boat.

The IP is more robustly built.


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Old 22-09-2013, 07:48   #12
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Re: which boat would you take - if both were free?

It's hard to beat the shallow draft of the Gem for the Keys. It has more room also.
But for offshore work neither of these would be my first choice.
Slowly going senile but enjoying the ride.
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Old 22-09-2013, 08:02   #13

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Re: which boat would you take if both were free to you?

i know people who have them, old people, and they are nice.
stable at anchor, sail easy, liftable centerboard,
westerbeke engine,
if your not crossing to England as the owner of the old company did in one, you will like it. make sure you get one with a gen, and AC.

disregard all this if you are fat like me. i had to cross thru doors sideways, and i felt cramped.
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Old 22-09-2013, 18:48   #14
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Re: which boat would you take if both were free to you?

Originally Posted by colemj View Post
Dockage for the Gemini will be the same as for the IP because the Gemini fits into a regular single slip.
In most cases that's true. But there are a few marinas that have a different fee scale for catamarans, regardless of how wide they are.
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Old 22-09-2013, 18:49   #15
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Re: which boat would you take if both were free to you?

Originally Posted by Rohan View Post
In most cases that's true. But there are a few marinas that have a different fee scale for catamarans, regardless of how wide they are.
I would definitely avoid any marina charging just because of a type of boat that is dimensionally no different than another (and I have not heard of one).


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