i have been following the money no object thread for cats and it seems privilege and lagoon are in front. They both have fractonal rigs being main driven as aposed to broadblue and the like, which have twin headsail and a small main with the mast set further back in the boat.
So i am wondering what are the pros and cons of each. What do you prefer and will this match up with the aformentiond poll.?
Having had both fractional rig and masthead rig boats, I prefer the fractional for my type of sailing. It's much better to weather, and tacks quicker as well.
That's important for sailing in areas like Puget Sound where there are lots of rather long narrow channels. (Narrow being several miles wide, but you get the idea)
I have a masthead rig. I find it's a handfull with the 150% Genny but very easy to tack with #2 jib. Boat balance is easily controller with the traveler.
Performance on a reach or run is acceptable, windward performance is poor.
i've recently aquired a 8m catalac; it has a working jib i.e. a 100% hanked on. i found the boat maybe slightly sluggish in ten to fifteen knot breezes. do most people w/ these boats use a larger jib/genoa? peace, j
I like my cutter rig. I like the fact that a good clean headsail is already in place for heavier wind.
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I prefer cutter or sloop rigs such as with i2f and manta respectively, but it is what I learned with and what I am comfortable with. but it is really your choice I suggest that you go with the one you feel the most comfortable using.
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