08-08-2014, 08:03
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Re: Webb Chiles' 6th Circumnavigation Launching Today
Originally Posted by DeepFrz
Webb is now in Neiufu.
Yes, I see that now. This is a very picturesque area and I was in this very same bay in Neiafu about 12 months ago.
08-08-2014, 18:41
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Re: Webb Chiles' 6th Circumnavigation Launching Today
Where are those folks who said he'd never set sail, tht he'd never get to Hawaii, that he'd never depart from Hawaii, etc. Pretty quiet...
Go Webb, and I hope that you enjoy Tonga as much as we did.
Jim and Ann s/v Insatiable II, lying Port Cygnet Tasmania once again.
08-08-2014, 19:50
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Re: Webb Chiles' 6th Circumnavigation Launching Today
Originally Posted by Jim Cate
Where are those folks who said he'd never set sail, tht he'd never get to Hawaii, that he'd never depart from Hawaii, etc. Pretty quiet...
Go Webb, and I hope that you enjoy Tonga as much as we did.
Yep, too true. I echo your comments , go Webb and I have been following his passage constantly. I just hope that the weather is kind to him when he sets out for NZ.
10-08-2014, 21:00
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Re: Webb Chiles' 6th Circumnavigation Launching Today
Weird how when you zoom in on his boat it almost looks like a pontoon boat from the image. It is like a big rectangle where as the boats around his are actually boat shaped. He is sitting in Koto Bay it looks like. I wish him the best of luck on his voyage.
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10-08-2014, 21:37
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Re: Webb Chiles' 6th Circumnavigation Launching Today
Originally Posted by Broken-Sailor
Weird how when you zoom in on his boat it almost looks like a pontoon boat from the image. It is like a big rectangle where as the boats around his are actually boat shaped. He is sitting in Koto Bay it looks like. I wish him the best of luck on his voyage.
That's because it's an old photo and he just happens to be anchored in the same spot. Google Earth can be years out.
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11-08-2014, 00:05
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Re: Webb Chiles' 6th Circumnavigation Launching Today
Very, very nerdy:
Min. :1.500
1st Qu.:4.700
Median :5.500
Mean :5.096
3rd Qu.:5.800
Max. :7.000
Speed isn't a way to measure a passage, but it is cool that he is so rarely under 4 knots. I'd be proud to do that on my boat, with two and two half-people on board.
This is very off the cuff, since I just used the speed YellowBrick reported the same four times every day. Better would be to calculate average speed from the distance between the position reports. Time he spent at anchor is discarded for the histogram and summary stats.
It'd be fun to pull in the NOAA data and see what his wind was like. It looks like the first passage, to Hawaii, had more consistent wind. He only slowed below 4 knots on the last day -- maybe timing his arrival or in the lee of an island.
11-08-2014, 09:26
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Re: Webb Chiles' 6th Circumnavigation Launching Today
He has a new blog entry.
13-08-2014, 03:27
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Re: Webb Chiles' 6th Circumnavigation Launching Today
His speed seems a good reminder about WL since on the surface it appears he is doing fairly much similar speeds as he achieved in Hawk which was 35', far heavier and by the sound of it far more comfortable (ignoring the more difficult path taken so far).
Not that comfort appears to be a driving force with this man
Sure my windsurfer isn't much of a cruiser but I bet it needs less maintenance than your boat : p
13-08-2014, 03:54
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Re: Webb Chiles' 6th Circumnavigation Launching Today
My personal view is that adventure and comfort don't go together...that boy is having an adventure!
19-09-2014, 17:40
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Re: Webb Chiles' 6th Circumnavigation Launching Today
he is approaching the bay of islands (in new zealand) in what appears (according to the earth wind web site) to be near 50 knot winds.
some of the best times of my life were spent on a boat. it just took a long time to realize it.
19-09-2014, 18:19
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Re: Webb Chiles' 6th Circumnavigation Launching Today
Yeah. He is expected in Opua tonight. 20 knots over the land, showers. All models dictate way more wind where he has been over last 24 hours. I bet a damn hard landfall.
Will be thrilling to read his passage log.
Fingers crossed, eyes on the tracker.
19-09-2014, 18:42
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Re: Webb Chiles' 6th Circumnavigation Launching Today
looks like he will beat the brunt of the gale in by a day.
20-09-2014, 06:27
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Re: Webb Chiles' 6th Circumnavigation Launching Today
Update on Webb
From: Webb Chiles
To: "Lynn A. Stokes" <>
Subject: Re: slow down
Date: Sep 20, 2014 12:00 AM
HI, Lynn,
Not intentionally.
I'm at the Quarantine Dock in Opua having arrived a couple of hours ago at 5 p.m. I assume they'll clear me tomorrow. No problem. I'm happy to be here.
The passage had three completely different phases. The first four days were great sailing, covering almost half the 1200 miles. Then we got caught by a high and came to a stop. Almost. GANNET did keep moving, sometimes in wind I couldn't even feel. But slowly. It was very pleasant, if not productive. Then I pushed hard these past two days to get in before gale force SW which would be head winds for GANNET. My last two tiller pilots died, and I hand steered today from 9 until 5. This morning in serious wind--at least 40 knots and I think higher gusts in front of rain--and big breaking waves, a couple of which knocked me from where I was sitting. Anyway I made it and am very glad to be here. It was great to see Cape Brett take shape this morning. This really is my second home, and I wouldn't mind if it were my first.
On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 8:15 AM, Lynn A. Stokes < t> wrote: I noticed today you have basically stopped. 9/13/14
Lynn A. Stokes
Eastern Pacific Yacht Delivery Service
Morro Bay,Ca.
20-09-2014, 12:52
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Re: Webb Chiles' 6th Circumnavigation Launching Today
Great to hear he is safe and progressing.
20-09-2014, 15:52
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Re: Webb Chiles' 6th Circumnavigation Launching Today
It appears from his note and his track that he is safely in harbor. He's pretty low key about hand steering in 40 knots and breaking waves in a 24 foot boat. Well done, sir!
- David
S/V Sapphire Tartan 40 #71
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