Originally Posted by martinworswick
what you do with the boat when you are sleeping whilst sailing solo offshore?
Offshore I possibly sleep more than on land.
Aries windvane aways does the
steering, at night the radar gets turned on with guard zone and I get up once an hour to check all is well. Radar is great, picks up squalls as well. Daytime if I'm napping then kitchen timer set to every 20mins or so. Just bought an AIS which I have high hopes for, speed and cog will be handy plus knowing name of ship if you need to speak to them. But after Biscay solo and recently
canaries to
azores and back I've seen only a handful of other vessels offshore,
single figures. Shipping lanes haven't been a problem cos i just don't go near them. Inshore is a different matter, I can do 2 days without too much trouble but you need to be very careful making decisions, sleep depravation can do bad things to your judgement.
Offshore I find it best to get away from land and other
boats as quickly as possible and spend plenty of time down below, during the day as well as the sun wears me out more than I realised. Plenty of people disagree with
singlehanding but offshore I can live with the risks. After a while offshore away from the bombardment of western media I find it hard not to feel awestruck by the immensity of the universe and to live life for a time minute by minute is a rare thing indeed. Atlantic next for me, bring it on