It's a bit early to jump to conclusions. Even so one naturally does.
A bit of a change where its a high speed sailing vessel.
In many ways its surprising, some of these extreme machines have not had incidents already.
The Far East local fisherman from mainland China, pretty close to the bottom of the
food chain of international seafarers. Getting run down by
commercial vessel, Usually no body cares.
fishing boat's know it. Self preservation is part of their way of life. They keep an eye out for
commercial vessels knowing full well what might happen if they don't. Unfortunately while they probably are familiar with commercial vessels, I doubt they will have seen these types of races and racing yachts before.
The VOR brings a bit of interest. The bump in the night a bit more noticeable.
Fortunately after
collision, the Vestas
boat acted according to the law and traditions of the sea and did what they could. Only one life was
lost it
could have been worse.
How will it all play out remains to be seen. There but for the Grace of God go I. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes right now.
I expect any video will have been seized as evidence, BY HK's version of MAIB or NTSB. Unfortunately I expect HK's Version of MCA, and HK police, Coroner will all be involved. Along with the same from the mainland.
If HK law is still similar to UK law. They have a right to remain silent. Except when talking to HK MAIB.