Originally Posted by James S
Thats the challange that I see..I had a friend killed in a drone attack...he was not the target....collateral damage.
Sorta makes me think twice.
I just don't want a ship or
boat destroyed killing not only the pirates(that deserve what they get) but any crew of the
boat that's under attack by the pirates. I trust the human factor more then a camera or infra red.
I'm with RRR on this. Small, light, and fast coast guard type boats flooding the area with 50 mil
guns on the front
deck and a
radio to call in support is the way to go. There's strength in numbers.
But here is another question.
Why is it that gov can get a pic of the
license plate on my car from 300 miles up but can't see where the pirates are and what port they are headquartered at? Get them in their holes on land and be done with it. One
cruise missile and the snakes
head could be cut from it's body.
P.S. I'd send the flowers.