A little more information might help. Details like size and build material. A better quality
photo might also assist. I actually think the yacht is European, who knows.
BUT! When I saw the teeth I was reminded of a similar looking yacht with a fascinating
history: the 45 foot 1.5 inch
steel plated Berserk. She was sailed around the world by some crazy Norwegians (self proclaimed Vikings). Her crew often made protests, always staged to gain maximum publicity. For example they all swam nude in Gauntanamo Bay and as a result were evicted.
In 2007 she sailed the Northwest
Passage east to west following in the path of Gjoa. So far as I know Berserk still holds the
record for the furthest north any
sail boat has ever been.
Very very sadly she sunk in McMurdo Sound in the Ross Sea, Antarctica Feb 2011. After Berserk's
emergency beacon sent a Mayday signal, ice-strengthened patrol vessel HMNZS Wellington, located close by, was dispatched.
"As we responded, we were stuck in the most intense storm I have ever encountered in 19 years in the
navy," said
skipper Lieutenant Commander Simon Griffith.
Hurricane force winds up to 182km/h (112 mph) "exploded off the Ross Ice Shelf" and sharp swells of 8m to 10m slammed into HMNZS Wellington. Spray turned to thick ice on the decks. Aerials,
lighting and speakers were swept away. Griffith ruefully noted they even
lost their stern light and liferafts were ripped off.
Sadly 3 crew were also
lost in the sinking and their bodies never recovered; from
Norway Robert Skaane 34, Tom Gisle Bellika 36, and South African Leonard Banks, 32. Two other crew had left the yacht, Berserk skipper/leader Jarle Andhoy, 34, and Samuel Massie Ulvolden, 18, were attempting to reach the South Pole by ski to mark the centenary of Norwegian Roald Amundsen's South Pole expedition.
If anyone would like a comprehensive story then say so. It's a fascinating tale, but of course never really made the media outside Scandinavia. Ben of Snow Petrol (often a lurker here) has sailed there too and I'm sure would have more details.
This picture is of the yacht sailing in the North West