We want to get our 40'
cutter (Caliber 40) from
San Diego to SW
Florida as quickly and easily as possible. We have done a lot of US
West Coast cruising in the last 20-years and now want to move us and our
boat to SW
Florida to begin cruising the US
East Coast,
Bahamas, T&C, etc. This journey from
San Diego to SW Florida will be more a
delivery than a
cruise but we do want to take as much time as possible getting there, BUT want to be in SW Florida by mid-June 2016.
Once established in SW Florida we will return to the
east coast of
Mexico and
Central America as part time cruisers based in
Charlotte Harbor, FL.
We've sailed from San Diego to SW
Mexico several times and understand the schedule for that part of the trip.
If you've done the Zihuatenejo/Acapulco to SW Florida trip tell me about the timing. I think I understand the schedule for crossing the Tehuantepec but would appreciate any
advice about your actual experience.
We've talked to several folks who've done Colon to Florida but never got the actual detail of timing the trip.
Share your experience - Please!
SW Mexico to
Colon to SW Florida
any other thoughts you can offer about our planned trip.