FYI, Useful
surveyor site, Thomas A. Blaanchard, Sr. NY
Marine Surveyors, He has 15-20 published surveys on his site for anyone's perusal, and he (on the
phone at no cost) saved me from
buying a boat he had surveyed, pointing out two substantial problem areas. I think if you have a good surveyor--not just a rubber stamper--I think it can save a lot of
money, time and trouble. Sounds like Cruising 101 it's that obvious, but I was going to go with the garden variety, pre-purchase
survey, but after talking to a couple of builders, and reading a senior cruiser's comments on this site (thanks, Jack), I opted for something more, a
survey that also recommends areas that need strenthening based on my boat's specific weaknesses or potential trouble spots. What Jack pointed out was that everything is in constant motion, working, moving, and that made me want to focus on the basics: hull-deck joint,
rigging, ballast,
sails. The survey' s scheduled for April 2, and I will keep the group posted with any helpful info. Later,
Jack II