About 10 years ago a friend bought a brand new 38 rampage. At the time he spent about 600K on it. He didn't see the need to spend almost $3k to have the
hull and both
diesel engines along with the
generator surveyed.
He took possession of the
boat in the
water. That fall when he hauled the
boat, he found a large
repair to the
Apparently, the manufacturer was showcasing that model on a
boating TV show. They arranged for the show to demo a boat from a local dealer. During filming, they ran the boat aground.
after the shoot, the dealer hauled the boat, had the
keel repaired, then bottom painted the entire thing. He then
sold the boat wihtout disclosing the damage and
repair. The repair was done incorrectly and allowed
water to ingress and soak the foam cored
Several law suits and an extensive repair followed. They had to first drill about 30+ holes into the hull and let it sit and slowly drain, then dry out. This took months. Then the failed repair had to be fixed, then the drain holes had to be fixed.
My buddy completely
lost faith in the boat and
sold it at a massive loss.
Short Answer: Yes, get a hull and systems survey.