Buy a spool of 5/16 polypropylene from Fisheries Supply or from a Canadian source when you arrive. We take 1/2 of a collapsable
kayak paddle and place it through the center of the spool and place this athwart the
boat in the
cockpit. Hop in the dink (when in
Canada it is always a dink) and go ashore. There will almost always be a
steel ring with spray
paint on it to pass the end of the line through. Otherwise find a rock or sometimes a snag to pass the line around. This is way easier at high tide as at low tide the ring will be over your
head making is necessary to climb a slippery bank to get to the anchor. Please DO NOT pass the line around a live tree as you can damage the bark and kill the tree. Row back to the boat and fasten the two lines on opposite stern
cleats. When you get ready to leave loosen the short end of the line and roll the spool up to retrieve the line. This is why you need polypro--it floats and is less likely to foul your prop.
Suggest you order a copy of "Waggoners Guide" which we have found to be an excellent guide to the area full of tips--like stern