Is the Y-flyer the perfect day boat for this area? I don't know. The one that came with this one was from the 50's and the bottom hull, dagger board well,
deck, bulkheads, and both sides were suffering from bad
rot. The design seemed very rigid and solid. The one I cut up was very well built, and appeared to be made of three ply
panels for the most part.
The Y-flyer website says that if you want to be class
legal that they have to approve the design of a combination
wood fiberglass hull in advance. I did not make this hull, and I do not even know if it is with in tolerances to use with the Y-flyer plans. I figure if I want a class legal boat, that I will buy one. There is one that needs
work that I may get anyway.
How about raising the front
deck and building a recess where the
jib can be stored below deck ready to be raised. A fishing/sun deck instead of a place to pile the jib. A two rod trolling setup will be needed for
fishing. Side floatation and more
storage. I am going to use it as a boat.
Since I do have to make the
parts myself, I figured to make it mine.