28-09-2008, 15:36
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Southern California Mooring Options
I am currently at a slip in San Diego that I need to give up at the end of October. I am having some trouble finding a short term (November to January) mooring ball in San Diego, and was wondering if anyone knew of anything I might be overlooking (as far north as LA).
I am on a wait list with the San Diego Mooring Company in case something opens up, even a sub lease, but either way, I need to move the boat in October to somewhere else.
Thanks in advance.
(I thought I would be leaving for south with this years Baja-Ha-Ha but I have some work to finish up and won't be able to leave until January.)
30-09-2008, 13:48
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Check into renting a mooring ball from the harbor dept in Newport Beach. I believe you can rent them for up to 60 days in a row starting November 1.
The only difficult part is you have to go in every 5 days to renew so may not be feasible if you live in a different location.
Good luck,
30-09-2008, 14:27
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Long Beach just installed 9 - 12 moorings in the harbor. However, Long Beach thinks they are going to get Catalina rental rates for their moorings..HA HA...nuts.
Go to Catalina and get a mooring in Cat Harbor.
30-09-2008, 14:52
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If you're not living on the boat. Do the Baja, and leave the boat south. If you are living on the boat then BEST WISHES in solving the problem..............i2f
30-09-2008, 15:11
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What about the new Marina in Chula Vista they are advertsising in Lat 38 here is there website www.chulavistamarina.com BTW I am in the same situation. I was gign to do the Baja Ha Ha and have put it off for a year.
Fair Winds,
Between us there was, as I have already said somewhere, the bond of the sea. Besides holding our hearts together through long periods of separation, it had the effect of making us tolerant of each other's yarns -- and even convictions. Heart of Darkness
Joseph Conrad
30-09-2008, 16:55
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Rebel Heart - The boat and her crew - San Diego Sailor's Guide
The A-9 anchorage is a possible chance; it's north of the Coast Guard station, A-8 being the southerly anchorage that San Diego Mooring owns. It's supposed to just be for out-of-towners, but if you have an ID from someone not in San Diego (or just say that you're not), they'll often let you slide. The more responsible you (and your boat) look, the better your chances.
30-09-2008, 17:40
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I signed up for the HaHa, but I won't be going until next year either. I had my boat hauled out, and I'm keeping it on the hard until I'm back in the country. It's a lot cheaper that way, and I need to change some seacocks, and perform a little maintenance anyway.
30-09-2008, 19:00
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Thanks. Yes, I am NOT living on the boat, I just need to park it until January when I am leaving.
02-05-2009, 15:30
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waitlist inquiry
Hello all, I traced some forum threads about the exact waitlist for the Sandiego mooring company but still don't know how long the wait list is-anybody have a guess.
BTW I am a coastal del'y cpt looking to move yachts up and down the p. coast anytime starting SEP.
02-05-2009, 22:09
cat herder, extreme blacksheep
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i have 2 moorings in san diego bay (i have 2 boats)--there is no wait for temporary mooring balls --just ask vanessa for a temp--she will get you one if you qualify for one--most folks do--there are some available--you just need to know how to ask for them....the rate is 260/mo or thereabouts...i know of 4 in my mooring field. the wait for a permanent mooring is 3 years, now. btw---the A-9 anchorage is ONLY for those from outof town-includes the boat---must be from out of town , and no more than 90 total days per year.--that does not count those who have just left a marina in san diego---rules ya out--go figgger--is one of the many ways san diego is becoming boater unfriendly....talk with vanessa and see what she says...you already know the mooring company's telephone number.gooood luck.
02-05-2009, 22:20
cat herder, extreme blacksheep
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Originally Posted by rebel heart
Rebel Heart - The boat and her crew - San Diego Sailor's Guide
The A-9 anchorage is a possible chance; it's north of the Coast Guard station, A-8 being the southerly anchorage that San Diego Mooring owns. It's supposed to just be for out-of-towners, but if you have an ID from someone not in San Diego (or just say that you're not), they'll often let you slide. The more responsible you (and your boat) look, the better your chances.
anchorage 8 no longer exists as the last 300 boats were removed with the owners dropped off at the docks as criminals. san diego mooring co did not own that anchorage. was called the free anchorage. anchorage 9 at the coast guard station is the alleged cruisers anchorage. you must have an out of county id and an out of county boat.both pieces of paper must be your own. a boat from a marina is not an out of town boat. ask vanessa for a temp. one is not allowed to do business from or on the moorings. if it is thought you are so doing, you are evicted. goood luck. if you wish more info--please pm me. i have the REAL info on moorings in dago---always in touch with mooring co --beeen here tooo llong........the location of the mooring is also a force to figger-if you want commercial basin or laurel street, there will be an extended length of wait for temporary mooring. if you donot mind "rock and roll hell" or coronado roadstead moorings, the wait is nonexistent.
20-11-2009, 15:39
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SD Morring ball
Originally Posted by zeehag
i have 2 moorings in san diego bay (i have 2 boats)--there is no wait for temporary mooring balls --just ask vanessa for a temp--she will get you one if you qualify for one--most folks do--there are some available--you just need to know how to ask for them....the rate is 260/mo or thereabouts...i know of 4 in my mooring field. the wait for a permanent mooring is 3 years, now. btw---the A-9 anchorage is ONLY for those from outof town-includes the boat---must be from out of town , and no more than 90 total days per year.--that does not count those who have just left a marina in san diego---rules ya out--go figgger--is one of the many ways san diego is becoming boater unfriendly....talk with vanessa and see what she says...you already know the mooring company's telephone number.gooood luck.
Is there a contact Number for Vanessa' office? we are coming down from the Northwest as soon as the wind drops below a hundred
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