I can't figure out how to run the reefing lines on our
new boat. Every
boat I have sailed before had reefing lines that ran through a block on the end of the boom, through the reefing cringle and down to an attachment on the other side of the boom.
I can't do this on our 40'
Nordic. There are two reefing lines, one at the very end of the boom and one at a block about a foot forward, but they aren't long enough to go through the cringle and back to the boom. The sail is on a bolt
rope so I can't just tie the reefing line around the boom, even if there was enough line.
Has anybody seen this system? Is there a trick I don't know? Should I get longer lines and put in attachment points?
Right now I have tied the reefing line to the cringle and then put another line through the cringle and around the boom, but there has got to be a better way.