Greek islands ard fantastic - don't expect all to speak American.
Alternatively up the Adristic, Croatia make a living from tourists, so expect pricey, competent facilities.
Venezia is marvellous, best eating in
Europe (there's one for the French), delightfully friendly people - but don't visit the Storico Centro - nowhere to park the
boat, inquistive irreponsible tourists, and sky-high prices.
I spent about 6 months opposite the Vaporetti Basin in Sant'Elena, was treated as a local after 2 weeks and loved every minute.
Venice is one of those places where you can't sit alone for more than 10' before a local comes to chat and to make you welcome.
Enjoy it - with Sicilia the best part of
NOTE Croatians, used to keep the Austro-Hungarian Empire working, expect merciless competence from them.