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Old 02-11-2014, 08:59   #16
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Re: Sail Savannah to Miami in 5-6 days on the outside. Realistic ?

Might I ask the boat brand. Your speed estimates seem low with that power?
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Old 02-11-2014, 09:30   #17
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Re: Sail Savannah to Miami in 5-6 days on the outside. Realistic ?

It's a Conser 47 catamaran.. Fairly narrow hulls and lighting so lower drag than most that size.
Only 2x29 hp volvos. About 5 average motoring.. Can do 7 in right conditions.
Sails at 50-60 of wind up to 15 knots, then can fly..
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Old 02-11-2014, 09:41   #18
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Re: Sail Savannah to Miami in 5-6 days on the outside. Realistic ?

Originally Posted by Gboy View Post
It's a Conser 47 catamaran.. Fairly narrow hulls and lighting so lower drag than most that size.
Only 2x29 hp volvos. About 5 average motoring.. Can do 7 in right conditions.
Sails at 50-60 of wind up to 15 knots, then can fly..
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Thanks for the pic. 5 just seemed low, it would seem displacement hull speed would higher? I guess it is what it is. I'll bet sailing her in a decent wind is a ball. Don't pitch pole flying a hull can get the adrenalin flowing.
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Old 02-11-2014, 11:44   #19
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Re: Sail Savannah to Miami in 5-6 days on the outside. Realistic ?

I have an Endeavourcat 44 and have done the trip a couple of times and 5-6 days is plenty if you have a good weather window and enough crew to stay outside. It takes me about 16 hours to go from Savannah River to St Mary's and about 28-30 hours from St. Mary's to Port Canaveral and another 30 +- hours to Miami, all on the outside. If you have to duck into the ICW it will take a lot longer. It sounds to me like you carry very little fuel for a boat that size. I cruise on one engine at 6 knots smooth water and around 5 if I'm pounding into it. If the wind is not optimal I can often motor sail at 6 knots on half the fuel. I have feathering props so I'm not dragging a dead engine.

The optimum wind direction for this trip is anything north of SW. SW is even doable if its closer to west than south. SE Is the worst case, W to NW is best because the wind is coming off the land and if you stick close to shore you get almost no waves but great sailing. Stick relatively close to shore to take advantage of the usual counter current going south along the North Fl and GA coast. I once had half knot current flowing north just 5-10 miles off shore. Remember you have to clear Cape Canaveral by enough to miss the shoals and then head for Ft Pierce inlet. You don't need to go in, but you want to be very close to shore from there south. I like to stay in 30 ft of water or less to stay inside of the effects of the gulf stream. Even though the technical edge of the stream may be 10 or more miles out you still get some residual current in closer. Once I get south of Jupiter I like to be on the 20 foot contour. If you are in that close at night it can be a problem dodging unlit buoys on fishing reef and the occasional inlet jetty. Even on the 20 ft contour you might loose a little speed to current between West Palm and Miami. Usually not more than a 1/2 knot but occasionally approaching a knot. The biggest problem will be getting the weather to cooperate with your schedule.

I would buy several jerry cans for diesel and try to avoid coming in if possible. Good luck!
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sail, miami

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