While discussing
anchoring rules & enforcement in St Petersburg with the dockmaster today, he told me of a recent 'experience' in the Vinoy basin. The local "rules" say 7 days at anchor, then must leave for 72 hours. As a practical matter, they are well aware of the Marco Island ruling and the State law. They choose not to try to enforce their more restrictive ordinance unless someone is creating a true nuisance (pollution or something similar).
Anyway, a boat owner from Michigan decided to anchor in the basin, then go home to Michigan for several weeks. Left the boat unattended of course, strong front came in and above-normal tide had the usual effect on inadequate
scope. The City ended up with a full-keeled cruising boat on the rocks and no owner to be found. Guess they had to dip into their
budget to get it removed. Not sure if the owner was ever tracked down.
Hope he eventually says "thank you" to the people of St Petersburg for their underwriting of his irresponsibility.