I liked Practical Sailor because it was content rich and made an attempt to evaluate products we use. And of course it had no advertising and no glossy pics.
As far as information is concerned, You can
google a product and then get the MFGs web page, their catelog, various retailers,
reviews and so on. I much prefer this to advertising in print media. Web sites are also "marketing" but they do make an attempt to stick to the specs, which is something ads are usually silent on.
We're sick of ads because we have been advertised to death. Long live the
remote because we click when the ads come on.
The other aspect of the
marine industry is that there are fewer players as they have merged and gobbled up the competition. With so much fluff and so little data, ads are just plain annoying for anyone who might be looking for a product and the information about it.
Mags may not disappear, but they are on the decline and the web is ascendent. Good for us!