[QUOTE=rabbi;2581344]What scenario do you prep for? And which scenario has acceptable solutions?
Natural desaster: Living in
Florida, we are always watchful and as ready as possible for a hurrince in season.
Civil unrest: Ditto, stay away from crowded areas
Large scale nuclear pollution, possibly caused by a terrorist attac on a nuclear
power plant or a dirty bomb. Just don't live anywhere near a potential target. - This one is more difficult than that, fallout can carry a long way. Ultimately difficult to prep for unless you have a REALLY good shelter.
Aliens, Zombies & Vampires: Lol, what aliens ? Fermis's Paradox
Global incidents like an Armageddon style meteor impact, or 2012 style seismic activity: Nothing we can do. - Pretty much right on the
WW3? I'd go to the nearest military base and hope the nuke explodes right on my
I certainly don't want to be a survivor of a global nuclear war.
- It is difficult to imagine what life would be like BUT, I would hope life would go on.
Climate change (human made or not doesn't matter): Yep
I would say right at this moment I'm more worried about an EMP strike, simply because it's a possibility, and the effects COULD be very bad. If it happened, I think I would take what belongings I could and sail away. Not sure where and not sure how I would make a living but I wouldn't stay if things were getting bad. And they could.
I like the idea that sailors are prepared.