14-07-2004, 07:43
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post 9/11 cruising
This is mainly for those from the usa but I welcome all perspectives. As the policys and actions of our president have destroyed the opinion of the usa around the world how is it sailing in the far corners of the world? When traveling in South America during the first gulf war I found lots of ill will towards the usa government but also found that most people I met were easily able to hold seperate opinions of the US govt and the US people. I was treated wonderfully by those who hated what our govt was doing. This is something most americans have trouble doing. Are American cruisers in any danger out there due to the abuses and ill action of our govt?
14-07-2004, 08:24
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US residents abroard have always had to deal with being American. Generally I think most people will treat you based on who you are rather than your nationality. Look at the number of German people in other countries. Also the US has a lot of support from governments and citizens in other countries. Still you may not feel comfortable in some places, but in Canada you are welcome. I am trying to think of where you should not go and only the Arab countries come to mind. BC Mike C
14-07-2004, 10:52
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Traveling abroad
I don't think you'll have any problem traveling abroad because of being a U.S.citizen.As long as our government supports freedom, provides billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars in aid, helps cure their sick,educates their citizens in our colleges, and fights their battles for them, they can only hate us so much.Sure, you'll meet an occasionally grumbler, but I doubt there will be any direct threat. For a little extra insurance, carry an ACLU card with you to show them if threatened.Tell them that you don't support your government. That will probably at least buy you a running "head start."
14-07-2004, 14:07
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yea stead, the ACLU is sure working hard to bail out Rush's butt. But really, there are more than a few "grumblers" out there. I found when traveling in remote Bolivia, Ecuador and Brazil supposedly uneducated "poor folk" who had a greater grasp of the consequences of american forign policy than most americans I have met. The fact that you believe that if we throw enough money at them they better love love us is just the simplistic ignorant and arrogant attitude that angers many of them. But, alas, this is a sailing forum. Fair winds and calm seas!!
14-07-2004, 16:39
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Yes, this is indeed a cruising board. However,be aware that when you post thinly disguised limp-wristed political views, there will be a rebuttal.There are still some Americans that believe that 9/11 wasn't a one time event.
"abuses and ill action of our govt?" Give me a break!
14-07-2004, 19:28
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So stede, are you one of those who believe that God inhabits the White House? I imagine that the history book you read has the USA sowing seeds of sweetness and light throughout the world as far back as the glory days of the founding fathers. That we are a country that just wants peace and properity for all and can't for the life of them figure why anyone would hate us; that believes the odd statement "they hate us cause we are free, they don't like freedom" Get your head out of your bilge water and see the light. If ignorance is bliss you must be walking on air.
..you said to expect a rebutt if one posted a limp wristed political comment....Go find a brace for you wrist buddy, its tougher to know the truth than to hide behind the myth!
14-07-2004, 19:48
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Can please you take this to email or the latts and atts forum. I prefer to keep this is a cruising forum.
14-07-2004, 19:58
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Here is another rebuttal!
We try to keep this forum clean of political/religious views so that it stays friendly!. So, if you wouldn't mind backing off and sticking to friendly communica WE'LL ALL enjoy this site for what it represents. Cruising/Boating
There are a lot of us that have different political/religious opions here but we still have that one thing in common, let us try to be civil. People from all over the world monitor this site and THEY MAY even disagree with you. So try not to be an Orca ass, they'll think all Americians are that way.
One more thing. Anyone that condems their own national leader (no matter who they are) on national policies in the face of their enemy is helping the enemy and is an enemy of the nation.
14-07-2004, 21:17
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There are two basic groups outside the US. Those who like the US and those who don't. Those who like it have always liked it and will always like it. Those who don't never have and never will.
What the US does or does not do makes no difference.
There are also two basic groups inside the US. Those who like the US and those who don't. Those who like it have always liked it. Those who don't never have and never will.
Augie Byllott
15-07-2004, 07:15
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It really doesn't matter what I believe, but since you asked,I'll tell you.I believe there is a God fearing man in the White House that is trying to do the right thing.I believe we are a nation that has tried to help others,and have been blessed abundantly for doing so.Having two sons in the military,I support them,as they support the U.S. and what it stands for.
I believe people like you are a parasitic fester on Freedom.You enjoy all the rights and entitlements given to a citizen of the U.S., but you don't support it when things get tough,or suit your liking.Especially when we get some of that nasty ole blood on our hands.It is people like you that make a nation weak as you erode it from within.Many of the greatest civilizations through out history have fallen because of "loyal" citizens like yourself.
I have grown weary of your type.Your rhetoric is with malice against a country that I love,and will defend as long as I draw breath.America......love it,or leave it!
God bless America!
15-07-2004, 07:34
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In my travels I've found that I'm usually treated as a person, not a citizen of country X.
Sometimes being an American has advantages, like when busload of Guatemalans and me were detained by the military along a highway. Everyone but me (the only gringo) was thoroughly searched. Sometimes, it's the opposite, like when I was harrassed in Panama for wanting to renew a visa.
Mostly it's just me they're seeing, not my country.
How can anyone say, "America, love it or leave it"? Our country is designed to allow citizens the opportunity to change that which they don't like. More appropriate would be, "America love it or work to change it."
Don't use a big word when a diminutive
one will suffice.
15-07-2004, 08:04
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Gentlemen can disagree amicably, without resort to pejorative “name calling”. There’s nothing wrong with a “spirited” discussion about deeply held beliefs, values, and opinions - but please let us remain civil at all times, and refrain from disparaging characterizations of one another.
Let’s keep this thread, and forum “useful & informative”.
Gord May
"If you didn't have the time or money to do it right in the first place, when will you get the time/$ to fix it?"
15-07-2004, 09:11
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With all due respect for this board,I'll say no more on this subject.I have had my say, as have others.
15-07-2004, 15:01
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From someone elswhere in this world, please, PLEASE, STOP this CRAP.
I have been involved in too many BB's that have been destroyed due to political garbage like this. Please Keep this place true to it's reason of existance. There is no "ONE True Answer" in politics. Only opinions.
For God so loved the world..........He didn't send a committee.
16-07-2004, 07:29
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Discussing politics is definitely a total waste of time! Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I agree with "thefantasea" - there will forever be two sides.
It can be ok to let off steam, but I have yet to see any good come from that.
Maybe it would be an idea to set up a "bar forum" for this kind of exchange? So that if anybody feel the need to do some bashing, it will not disturb the peace in the other forums? Gisle, what do you say?
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