Hello everyone, I have been browsing this forum for years and have posted rarely. But I think it's about time to speak up

. I would love to get some opinions of those more experienced than myself...
I have been sailing most of my life and have wanted to travel extensively via sailboat for 5 years, and have thought of it everyday since its inception. I am recently married as of December and have convinced my wife that the normal 9-5 life is (in our very humble opinions) a waste of our time on earth. However we are realistic and sensible (again in our opinion) and have come up with a time table to cast off in 10-15 years. This allows us to accumulate enough experience and
money to not have to worry about working again.
We have decided we would like a
catamaran roughly 45-50 feet and completely self-sufficient.
We have thought and planned for some time now and have come up with a savings plan and
budget to get to our goals. W/out getting into details I'd like some opinions on the following:
We will have apx. $50,000-$75,000 per year for expenses, I realize with inflation and so forth this will equate to a different number, but is it (w/in reason) realistic? Taking into consideration our cruising grounds will initially be the Caribe, then moving east quickly through the
Med, across the
Indian Ocean and then spending as much time as possible in the S. Pacific. This of course may change dramatically, but this is our plan so far. We have no desire for slips unless leaving the
boat to travel home. Do you think that amount is sufficient for upkeep of a
boat of that type and size?
Does anyone that as actually been there think that a 45-50 foot cat is too big for those cruising grounds? I.E. finding slips when needed, beaching the cat if necessary, hauling it out, etc.
We plan on
funding the Kitty w/ interest only
income coupled with rental properties (perhaps).
We both have 401(k)'s and Roth IRA's which we fund faithfully, this would give us flexibility when we're older.
I realize 10-15 years is a long way off and a lot could change in the world. But please try to keep the answers based roughly on what the world is like today w/out conjecture of what the future will bring.