A fellow I know tells this story.....crossing the Atlantic, Westbound on a guys Amel, with the Owner, his son, my friend and two other crew.
Father and son are on watch, others were below, my friend happens to be by the
companionway. He hears something and bolts up to the
cockpit to see the Father drifting off astern. He screams and points to the Owner and keeps pointing while the other two come up and get her turned around.
They pick up the Father and Son.
It appears the Son went over the side for some reason, I don't know why. The Father saw him go and jumped in after him. When asked "Why?" He simply said ...
"I could not imagine facing my Wife without him."
I firmly believe that we all have fanticies about how we will react in time of crisis. Perhaps they help prepare us. Yet one never knows with certainty how one will behave until confronted with the situation.
Thus came the saying....."Ignorance IS bliss".