17-02-2014, 07:56
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New Old Boat,how often should I run the engine?
Hi all, I just picked up an old Cal34, 1967, that was repowered with a Yanmar 3gm3, about 8 years ago, with about 1,060 hours on it.
It ran flawlessly from San Diego to Channel Islands, her new home, and I am curious to know how often should I start the engine in the winter months when I'm less apt to take it out, and how long should I let it run?
There is a battery charger hard wired into the electrical, so I don't need to charge anything.
Just want to treat it right.
17-02-2014, 08:03
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Re: New Old Boat,how often should I run the engine?
(hope so....)
Tell Bonnie that the forum recommends starting the engine every day and loading it up... which of course means taking it out... Every day....
(the above part of the message will self destruct via the comment editor)
Diesels are forgiving... but if it were me, once a month would be a minimum...
In the harsh marine environment, something is always in need of repair...
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17-02-2014, 08:15
cat herder, extreme blacksheep
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Re: New Old Boat,how often should I run the engine?
i have allowed mine to go for months before starting... there was no problem, and still not inside engine...but my fuel injection pump which was questionable to start, failed.
that fail had nothing to do with engine use. was a pump problem.
17-02-2014, 08:16
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Re: New Old Boat,how often should I run the engine?
Run the engine with the prop engaged to prevent growth on prop so you must take it out at least once a week. Also you can't just run it, you need to load the engine so you must go sailing once a week. Absolutely do not miss more than two weeks. This is what I had the diesel mechanic tell my wife. ;-)
17-02-2014, 09:36
cat herder, extreme blacksheep
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Re: New Old Boat,how often should I run the engine?
each to his own.
make sure your engine zincs are good and use when you wish.
timing is not a mandatory thing. you can go many months without use.
gasoline engines require frequent use.
just make sure diesel engine is well lubed before loading it up
make sure you have good outflow and that you have no smoke, monitor any smoke for color and troubleshoot that. first startup may exhibit some grey to whitish smoke..not steam..is ok. some rust may exit via exhaust.. that, too is ok, per diesel manufacturing repair and distributor.
17-02-2014, 09:57
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Re: New Old Boat,how often should I run the engine?
Up here in the sunny Northeast we normally put our boats away in Oct/Nov and the engine doesn't get started again until Apr/May
Don't ask a bunch of unknown forum people if it is OK to do something on YOUR boat. It is your boat, do what you want!
17-02-2014, 10:22
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Re: New Old Boat,how often should I run the engine?
Oh... I have a bad feeling about this.... Is it possible that Bonnie was posing as Kevin asking the question???
(as our audience tunes in... we see that Bonnie and Kevin are having a quiet dinner and discussing the recent acquisition of their sailboat)
Kevin: (casually) So you know that I'm going to have to take the boat out once a week to keep from destroying the engine....
Bonnie: That's Rubbish and Malarkey Kevin! (Bonnie is a Sassy Irish Lass)
Kevin: Fine then! I'll post the question on CF, and see what they say!
Bonnie: You do that! Better yet KEVIN! I'll do it and tell you what they say!
(Bonnie clearly has no patience after receiving all of the comedic advice given in the previous posts... Surely she thinks: "this is not the life I wanted for us.... If Kevin were to associate and cavort with these scoundrels... His transformation for the good loving Kevin I know into a crusty old belligerent salt cannot be far behind.... )
I truly hope that Kevin has not already been dispatched.... and we don't see a new post.... "Cal 34 for sale in Channel Islands CA- Recently repowered and thoroughly scrubbed with bleach"
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17-02-2014, 10:29
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Re: New Old Boat,how often should I run the engine?
Weather Underground says the Channel Islands will be clear later this week, mainly sunny, except for a few afternoon clouds. High 71F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. My East Coast family (except for those in Florida) are buried under snow and ice. Me thinks you need to get that motor going at least once a week and tell us how lovely the Channel Islands are right now  Do you two dive? As a chef, is there anything better than fresh speared fish?!?
I'm not the best one to give advice on this, but you could check to make sure that the engine battery is isolated and nothing is pulling juice from it, especially if the house banks get low. Might also want to keep the fuel tank topped up to minimize condensation. My 3GM30 had sat for a couple months before I moved my boat to her new home and it always started up fine. If you do run it, I'm told that diesels do better under load and not just a quick puttering around.
17-02-2014, 12:59
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Re: New Old Boat,how often should I run the engine?
Sassy Irish Lass she is!
A little foggy but peer pressure wins out.
The Lass is packing as I type. Thanks all for the expert advice.
She's packing for both of us, I might add.
I still need to post pics of the boat....later this afternoon.
17-02-2014, 13:04
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Re: New Old Boat,how often should I run the engine?
Pan seared local sea bass with mushroom, asparagus tips risotto in the galley last night.
Can't beat that.
17-02-2014, 15:56
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Re: New Old Boat,how often should I run the engine?
Originally Posted by 930chef
Sassy Irish Lass she is!
A little foggy but peer pressure wins out.
The Lass is packing as I type. Thanks all for the expert advice.
She's packing for both of us, I might add.
I still need to post pics of the boat....later this afternoon.
Originally Posted by 930chef
Pan seared local sea bass with mushroom, asparagus tips risotto in the galley last night.
Can't beat that.
You had us (me) worried there for a second...
Kevin appears to be safe... And able to still prepare delightful nourishment...
Be good you two!
In the harsh marine environment, something is always in need of repair...
Mai Tai's fix everything...
17-02-2014, 19:08
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Re: New Old Boat,how often should I run the engine?
Overcast and breezy this afternoon. There is one engine battery and four house batteries on two separate circuits. The date the P/O wrote on the starting battery was 11/2010.
I have a new marine blue top that I will drop in tomorrow.
The engine started today but it wasn't a very brisk crank, slightly sluggish.
Time for a new one.
6 knots and no smoke. 
Thanks all,
18-02-2014, 07:29
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Re: New Old Boat,how often should I run the engine?
Originally Posted by 930chef
Pan seared local sea bass with mushroom, asparagus tips risotto in the galley last night.
Can't beat that.
Wait a minute!
I forgot to ask.... Was that "free range" sea bass???.... swimming in a "predator free" environment as to not cause any undue stress??? Did the fish have the option to not volunteer for dinner, and was it able to participate in government funded vacations... provided with everything it could possibly ask for???? How about availability to free cellular devices???
I really miss CA..... Er... Weather...
PS: Where's the damn pictures...
In the harsh marine environment, something is always in need of repair...
Mai Tai's fix everything...
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