30-01-2016, 09:42
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Re: New Border Crossing Procedures Now In Place For Pleasure Boats
I second the Nexus Card suggestion. Although a PITA to get it has subsequently made our lives incredibly easier since we are doing our re-fit right on the US CAN border.
30-01-2016, 09:48
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Re: New Border Crossing Procedures Now In Place For Pleasure Boats
It never makes much sense that you can fly in or drive in, even with a mobile home or boat - no problem. Drive a boat in & its a big deal, requires tracking, money and possible random inspection, notification of authorities at every stop. What do they think boaters are doing that differentiates them and their 6 mph turtle shells from the other visitors numbering a thousand times greater?
30-01-2016, 10:42
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Re: New Border Crossing Procedures Now In Place For Pleasure Boats
Wouldn't it be simpler to just kill all foreigners entering US ports? If they are foreign, they must be terrorists.
30-01-2016, 11:03
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Re: New Border Crossing Procedures Now In Place For Pleasure Boats
Originally Posted by rvoigt40
Just a FYI U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Office of Field Operations announces new procedures that are coming to the inspection process for foreign flagged private boats. These procedures will be in addition to the reporting process currently in place.
All operators of pleasure boats must report to CBP immediately upon arriving into the United States from a foreign port, place or location; or if they had contact with another vessel outside the U.S.; or if they have received merchandise outside U.S. territorial waters. Foreign flagged pleasure boats must also make a formal vessel entry on CBP form 1300 within 48 hours and pay applicable fees. At the time of entry boaters may request a cruising license from the applicable CBP port director.
“The cruising license will greatly facilitate multiple entries during the year and avoid additional fees for boaters,” said Bellingham Port Director Diana Sandoval.
A cruising license may be available to boats departing from Canada and arriving in the Puget Sound area. A cruising license may exempt foreign flagged pleasure boats (from certain countries) from having to undergo formal CBP entrance and clearance procedures, except at the first CBP port of entry each and every year. Cruising licenses are normally valid for one year.
The operator of a foreign flagged or undocumented foreign pleasure boat without a valid U.S. cruising license must obtain CBP clearance before leaving a port, place or location in the United States to depart to foreign waters or must obtain a permit-to-proceed if traveling to another port, place or location within the United States.
The master, or operator, of a foreign flagged boat not traveling under a cruising license will be required to file a formal entry and clearance each time they enter the United States, file the appropriate paperwork and pay the applicable fees.
Foreign flagged boats traveling under a cruising license would not be required to purchase a CBP decal, which is currently $27.50 for the year.
Oh crap. Will have to look into this, as we are planning on US visits from Canada this coming season.
Sounds like it could actually be superior to the DTOPS decal system boats over 30 feet have to do.
Previously, we had to go through a series of websites, each requiring their own on-line registration and passwords, to get a DTOPS sticker. (Most I talked to found the process extremely frustrating and confusing, as is most any government website.)
Then when landing in the first Port of Entry in the US, we had to go to a videophone, indicate our DTOPS sticker number, and then answer questions about the people on board. Unlike other foreign country entry, where all remain on-board until the captain clears the vessel, the video phone system requires all on-board be present.
If we left US waters, we had to do it again upon next entry. (With the new system it sounds like the first "approved" entry gets one back in each time for the rest of year without using the videophone.
That would be the improvement, if true.
30-01-2016, 11:08
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Re: New Border Crossing Procedures Now In Place For Pleasure Boats
Originally Posted by Nicholson58
It never makes much sense that you can fly in or drive in, even with a mobile home or boat - no problem. Drive a boat in & its a big deal, requires tracking, money and possible random inspection, notification of authorities at every stop. What do they think boaters are doing that differentiates them and their 6 mph turtle shells from the other visitors numbering a thousand times greater?
The difference is, there is a significant inspection process at few points of entry on the highway, which can be manned according to volume.
The volume of boat traffic, and ability to land almost anywhere, necessitates a different process.
There is a lot more going on than meets the eye, when one crosses the border in a car.
Reminds me of the time we towed our trailerable sailboat across the boarder. One of the questions the border official asked was, "Is there anyone in the boat?". I had a compelling urge to say "Osama Bin Laden, but I wouldn't call him just anybody." (Thankfully, I was able to suppress the urge.)
30-01-2016, 11:49
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Re: New Border Crossing Procedures Now In Place For Pleasure Boats
Originally Posted by kjdavie01
Paul, this is politics, not cruising. Related somewhat to the post, yes, but as soon as you add the "Just look at the past two presidents and the leading candidates in both parties", I think you cross the line. PLease don't.
History judges elected officials far more favorably than the current electorate ever does - and both Eisenhower and Truman were roundly and commonly vilified by their numerous detractors in their own time. I'd like to ask that we all stick to what we know - boats - and leave the rest to other forums. 
30-01-2016, 12:28
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Re: New Border Crossing Procedures Now In Place For Pleasure Boats
Border bureaucracy is part of the price of protecting the country. Of course cruisers are never terrorists, drug runners or fugitives, operating a stolen boat, or other undesirables. Just cannot be!!!
30-01-2016, 13:05
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Re: New Border Crossing Procedures Now In Place For Pleasure Boats
Originally Posted by kjdavie01
Paul, this is politics, not cruising. Related somewhat to the post, yes, but as soon as you add the "Just look at the past two presidents and the leading candidates in both parties", I think you cross the line. PLease don't.
History judges elected officials far more favorably than the current electorate ever does - and both Eisenhower and Truman were roundly and commonly vilified by their numerous detractors in their own time. I'd like to ask that we all stick to what we know - boats - and leave the rest to other forums. 
This statement is very true! I remember in the late 40s you never heard anything good about Truman, I thought he was some kind of villain! Years later He was spoken of as the second coming, He was wonderful! How do you figure?
30-01-2016, 13:10
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Re: New Border Crossing Procedures Now In Place For Pleasure Boats
These entry requirements are just like the gun buying rules. The good guys are terribly inconvenienced in terms of money and time needlessly spent and the bad guys will do as the please anyway since there is no way to police 4,000-5,000 miles nautical border, even with the sensitive satellites and all.
Seems to me that the rules are more designed so that the congresspeople can go back to their constituents and say "we are doing something about these terrorists trying to sneak in". And to keep the bureaucrats employed of course. IMO a much better way would be some sort of communication with the US Border patrol prior to entry sending them passport info and digital photos of all aboard and then confirming upon their arrival to US that same people are still on board and accounted for. This way US authorities can run checks if they so desire while the vessel is in transit and take appropriate action if needed.
30-01-2016, 13:21
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Re: New Border Crossing Procedures Now In Place For Pleasure Boats
Somebody should sed a memo to the field offices. We just got back into Canada after 3 weeks in and around Seattle. No mention of this anywhere in our travels.
For all of you singing the praise of Nexus I can remember travel in the pre-passport era. We heard the same guff about how much easier our lives would be if we just surrendered enough personal freedom to get a passport. And for a short while it did actually work that way.
R.J.(Bob) Evans
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30-01-2016, 13:33
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Re: New Border Crossing Procedures Now In Place For Pleasure Boats
025--good post.
1st rule of yachting: When a collision is unavoidable, aim for something cheap.
"whatever spare parts you bring, you'll never need"--goboatingnow
"Id rather drown than have computers take over my life."--d design
30-01-2016, 13:37
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Re: New Border Crossing Procedures Now In Place For Pleasure Boats
We have kept a foreign flagged vessel in Florida for the past 5 years. We need to get a new cruising licence each year.
Each time we return from a foreign port we need to call US customs on arrival, the same as anyone else arriving from outside the country. We are then given 24 hrs to appear at the assigned customs office for clearance. The boat is not supposed to move until after that happens.
While in US waters on our cruising permit we are supposed to call in each time the boat is moved. We do call in, often the officer reached has no idea what we are talking about.
From my own experiences in the Great Lakes and talking to other Canadians on the east and west coast it seems that the procedures vary greatly in each area of the country. Local knowledge is required.
I have never had a decal and never been asked for one.
Some officers tell me I have to clear US customs before leaving for a foreign port, when I do check in they tell me I don't have too !
All very confusing.
30-01-2016, 20:32
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Re: New Border Crossing Procedures Now In Place For Pleasure Boats
Just tell them you're undocumented boater looking for work. Everything will be fine.
30-01-2016, 21:31
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Re: New Border Crossing Procedures Now In Place For Pleasure Boats
May be those with knowledge of US admiralty laws will correct me but I am under the impression that technically a US flagged vessel which leaves a US port then travels in international waters without officially entering any foreign port then re-enters at a US port is deemed not having left the US. Is that still the law?
30-01-2016, 21:33
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Re: New Border Crossing Procedures Now In Place For Pleasure Boats
Originally Posted by Beavereater
Just tell them you're undocumented boater looking for work. Everything will be fine.
And you will get an "obamaphone". If you're lucky may be it'll be a satellite phone.
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