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Old 26-03-2007, 18:59   #1
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My job is moving need to move boat to fl

I live in VA, and just found out that there is a strong chance that I will be relocated to the Orlando FL area.

I have a problem with finding insurance. If anyone knows of a company that is still writing policies in fl please let me know.

The other problem is moving the boat down there. Not that I won't mind making my first ICW trip a few years earlier than I expected, but does anyone know of "rental" c-map chart cards, or what cards I will need to get down there.

Lastly I know that there are many opinions but what is considered the
"best" up to date guide to running the ICW?

I almost forgot, are there any good marina's in Georgia neer the FL line?

Thanks in advance for the help.
If you do not want to post here, pls feel free to pm me.
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Old 26-03-2007, 19:15   #2
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Ditch the ditch. Go outside, depending on how far south you are going it should be 3-7 days. Also check on keeping the boat near Jacksonville or Brunswick GA.
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Old 26-03-2007, 21:36   #3
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Best Marina on FL Ga border is the city marina in Fernandina. Its easy in and out, relatively inexpensive and geat little town.

I just came up from Fl to Va. If you are uncomfortable going around Hatteras take the ICW to Moorehead City then outside the rest of the way. Its safe and pleaseant.
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Old 26-03-2007, 22:20   #4
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Boat US insures my boat on the Gulf side of FL. They may however want to see a current survey.
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Old 27-03-2007, 08:39   #5
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Originally Posted by SilentOption
Best Marina on FL Ga border is the city marina in Fernandina. Its easy in and out, relatively inexpensive and geat little town.
At the risk of hijacking this thread... did they finally dredge out the City Marina in Fernandina? It was built poorly (design) and silted in completely about 5 years after construction. The only usable berths for keel boats were at the fuel docks the last I knew.

If it's usable I agree it would be a great spot... unless the wind is from the south.
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Old 27-03-2007, 09:00   #6
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The boat is a Hunter 27 and she draws only 3.5'. Not what one would call a blue water boat by any accounts. I'm not sure about risking the outside passage in her. She is well equipted and in excellent condition. That being said, I am a novice with diesel repair. I have a little time to figure this out, as I have a contract on the slip into november.

I am open to any marina suggestions, please keep them comming.
Anyone know the aproximate date of the mass migration down the icw?
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Old 29-03-2007, 20:48   #7
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Stay inside unless you get a nice day for a hop in and out.
Get Skipper Bob's Guide to Anchorage's on the Skipper Bob
Use maptech don't need electronic charts...they are a WASTE for the ICW and more dangerous than helpful if you follow the line!
VISIT both Skipper Bob's Website AND the BoatUS forums EAST COAST ALERTS section. These will allow you to update your paper charts with the latest info on shoaling, dredging, bridge closings etc.
The marina in St. Mary's GA just up river from the inlet is nice and quiet and reasonable....don't know if they have any openings. Since you will be based in Orlando I would suggest that you might be better keeping your boat on the St. Johns River which would be a bit closer for you if you can get insurance.
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Old 29-03-2007, 23:54   #8
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Try state farm, as long as you are a mile from the ocean they will insure you. I found their rates to be the best out of anyone for an over 30 foot boat. Under 30 foot progressive is great. I have found that Boat US is no where competitive on any size boat i've priced out with them.

Geico willl do it for a small fortune and they won't cover you for any storm damage. Anyhow, keep everyone posted as you aren't the only one faced with the issue down here!
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Old 30-03-2007, 02:19   #9
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The mass migration down the ICW starts around October, and continues through November into December.

We have done both outside and in. The ICW can be a great trip if you take the time to enjoy it. The Skipper Bob Anchorage book lists good spots to drop the hook, and more importantly the bridge locations by mile marker. Skipper Bob's Marina book is good as well. He passed away this year, but his books are still for sale. Claiborne Young's books give you more history and take you on nice side trips.

Outside hops are nice if the weather is good, but for day hops plan for tides and currents at inlets and be sure you have enough daylight to make your passage in plenty of time so you aren't entering an unfamiliar inlet at night.

In Georgia, Frederica River (Fort Frederica) and Brickhill River (Carnegie's Plum Orchard House) at Cumberland Island are nice anchorages where you can go ashore at historic places. Kilkenny Creek has a marina and a decent anchorage. Thunderbolt Marina is right on the ICW. They still brought the newspaper and Krispy Kreme doughnuts to you in the morning when we stayed there in 2006.

In Florida, Fernandina Beach is a good stop for us. The marina can be dangerous in certain wind conditions, but the anchorage is good. Be sure to stay well out of the channel because of barge traffic. The town is charming, and you can get a great breakfast at the cafe just across from the marina.

Cruising the ICW, be prepared to anchor in reversing currents.

Some of the best advice I received for our first trip was to make a list ahead of time for the marks in tricky areas. Even with up to date electronics, this helps you to sort out some questions ahead of time.

Have a great trip! (BTW, we get our insurance through West Marine.)

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Old 30-03-2007, 08:21   #10
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For insurance, contact Al or Gary Golden at International Marine Insurance Services. We have gotten good service from IMIS and they represent reliable companies. Regarding location, from Orlando you could go east or west fairly easily but Georgia is a long trip. For your boat the area around Cape Canaveral would be ideal, particularly the Indian River near Titusville, and that's only 35 miles from Orlando. A good second choice would be the Tampa area which is only 95 miles, but with good roads. Again, your boat would do well in this area with it's shallow draft and there's lots of places to go and see. (It also has the advantage of having a lower probability of being hit by a hurricane!) From Orlando to the coast at the Georgia border is about 150 miles as the crow flies. Which will be a long drive to an area that seems to have limited cruising opportunities compared with the foregoing. Good Luck! svHyLyte
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Old 31-03-2007, 20:43   #11
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Thanks everyone, Florida would be a great move for us. I hope it comes through.

I will let you know how things turn out.

Please keep the info comming. I will look into the Skipper Bob books.
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Old 31-03-2007, 21:12   #12
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i have been in Miami for 3/4 years now and got my insurance via w. r. hodgens in ft lauderdale -- they have been very helpful
as for coming down - you can do the ditch to at least the cape fear river and then maybe get some close to shore offshore sailing to say charleston and then farther hops down to enjoy the sail down - that is assuming the weather is such that you feel comfortable going off shore
chuck and s/v soulmates
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