I'm not sure why you'd want to, as it's insanely costly to try & add length back. Besides the fact that you both lose sail area, & alter the mast's bend characteristics. Which often means recutting the
sails, or getting new ones. On top of altering the position of the boom/gooseneck, & vang. Changing the mast step, altering the
deck chocking & support, changing
shroud & stay length.
And if it's Hunter's version of a B&R rig, then you're playing with a huge number of structural rig variables which should be left to an expert rigger at a minumum. If not an
engineer. As in a B&R rig you'll also be altering some very large loads created by the rig, as they're transferred into both the
hull &
deck. Plus the obvious tuning/shortening tips given in the other above post.