Hello, I am planning a purchase in Croatia, but the Flag/owner is French and Im guessing thus, under French Law(well it states that in the Purchase Agreement).
Does anyone have any recommendations on either a French or Croatian lawyer that can assist a buyer in the paperwork/purchase?
I've been giving some thought about some croatian (and greek, turkish) catamaran's and would be very interested on your experiences. I'm slow to decide so don't worry about me bidding up your boat The € seems to keep dropping and US sellers are way ahead of the market IMHO (for cats at least).
What is important is what documents you need to get the boat out of the country of purchase and what is required to get it into the country of residence and/or what you need to register the vessel if this is required.
Many countries have fairly standard forms for this. A shipping agent at either end might give you better advice than a lawyer.
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