Hello all,
I am currently in the middle of sending out my resume to a bunch of places out in
Washington state. I know the cruising there is spectacular, lots of wilderness and access to a large amount of islands stretch up into
Alaska. The
weather tends to be mild if not on the cooler side, but its warm enough to leave your
boat in the
water. This is my dream location, but I probably would have better luck applying for jobs in a few other locations, such as
New Orleans area,
North Carolina, and other places were cost of living isnt as massive. My question is, how are these waters? Are there places to
anchor and go hiking away from civilization, or is it more about just going out for a few days into the golf/Atlantic? Im currently sailing out of Chicago and even though the community is great here, I hate that there are no overnight
anchorages, and the entire coast is urban. If you have any suggestions, on places I should look into, or sources talking about good cruising grounds, let me know!