Looking to
purchase a used cat 36ft to 40ft in 2016 in the 200k 300k range and I am looking for some input. Looking to acquire from Eastern coast, Carb area. as that is intended area for our
live aboard.
In looking at yacht world When I search on all dates I see lots of
boats in the North America area, but when I change the search to postings in the last 60 days the numbers are significantly reduce. So my question is the older listings of more than a year are they not likely available and yacht world just not updated? Or is it likely they may still be out there
for sale?
Is there another listing I should look at?
I am thinking I need a buyers
broker would they have access to listings not found on yacht world. Thoughts?
Do I find me a
broker and then find me a separate
What might be what I call hidden costs?,
sale tax, property tax, luxury tax, those type of things that I need to account for. Currently reside in the Midwest, so considering a move to another state in gulf area just for the purpose of
boat purchase if it helps me avoid any of these costs.
Our plan is to stay associated to a marina or somewhere we can
live-aboard for six or so months while we get really comfortable with our
new boat and skill-set prior to a more wanderlust approach.
Again thank all of you that reply.