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Old 12-01-2009, 10:53   #1
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Looking for sailing experience, becoming deck hand

I don't know if this is truly possible, but what better way to find out then to ask.

My long term goal is to be a licensed captain and buy a yawl or ketch sail boat and live on it.

My father told me the other day that he's heard of people going down to the coast --in my case this is a couple provinces over in BC. I live in Manitoba-- and helping wealthy captains sail there large yachts. I really don't know how to even word this right but he'd said he'd read a Reader's Digest article about a young man joining this man's "crew" and sailing and gaining experience with him.

Does this seem possible? Is there any website you can go visit to find captains looking for able bodied seamen. Granted I have zero sailing experience but I'm a fast learning and self motivated and physically fit. I'd love to spend months/years helping a captain sail the seas on his yacht and would be willing to do it for room and board basically. Maybe a small income. Of course eventually I'd like to get certified and with that make a little more money and eventually buy my own ship. Of course that's like long term plan over several years.

Anyway what do you guys think? Anyone heard of this before? Is it really possible to help others sail?
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Old 12-01-2009, 11:44   #2
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Here are two websites that would give you more sailing experience then any luxuary yacht would. Mind you the sailing is harder and the boats are bigger but a great adventure to be had for sure.

I would look close at the Picton Castle. They offer great sailing experiences. Now if you would rather a luxuary Yacht then try joining 'Latts and Atts" they have a crew bank there in the forums.

Being in Manitoba, you have Three real choice's. You can go to BC or Ontario or Nova Scotia. That is where you will find the most sailing and walk the docks of the yacht clubs. Maybe aply for a job at one of them and work for the summer, members will take you sailing.


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Old 12-01-2009, 11:58   #3
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Knowledge and experience will help you.

Contact the Manitoba Sailing Association. They can point you to some lessons.

You might also check out the programs at BCIT. They also offer the International Yachtmaster Training. It is recognized in "red flagged" countries, usually ex-britsh colonies, but not Canada.

CRYA Yachtmaster Ocean Instructor Evaluator, Sail
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As I sail, I praise God, and care not. (Luke Foxe)
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Old 13-01-2009, 14:32   #4
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Awesome Waverider thank you so much.

Seems the Picton Castle would be way out of my reach. I cannot afford 39 grand that's for sure... unless you know of some way of doing it for free...

The HMS Bounty is what I think I'll be pursuing. Becoming a deck hand and even making a small weekly wage seems like the perfect choice for me to get started!

Thanks again for all the help.
Also thanks Jackdale if the bounty doesn't work out I'll pursing sailing this summer in manitoba!
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