I've notices a large % of Hams, even those on the
water, seem to have programs to log
SSB contacts. They can tell me in just a few seconds, when the last time we had contact and what frequency it was, where I was, My name and official address,
Boat name how good the past signals were.
I've talked to several but they seem to have totally different opinions of what is a really good and not too difficult system to use aboard a
boat... even if you sometime transcribe info from notes you make during contacts.
I know many forms of contest
logs exist but I've never seen one that seems to be a good fit to a rather normal sailing
SSB logbook.
Any Ideas and recommendations on specifically where to look for some examples?
Also, as many of us operate in different areas with
license based on our US tickets, how do you QSL when you have a prefix now added to your call sign when operating in a different country? Most I see, have no area for adding a prefix.... even as a note. Any ideas here?