08-12-2017, 09:08
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Liability insurance for boat haulout and storage
I searched for this specific question but came up with nothing.
Does anyone know a company that offers marine liability insurance? I'm looking specifically for a policy that just indemnifies a Yard for haulout, work and storage.
08-12-2017, 09:25
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Re: Liability insurance for boat haulout and storage
If you have that boat that was anchored in the basin off the ICW, I think you’ll have a hell of a time.
In south Florida you’ll likely need to use a full service yard and you’ll probably have to pay a large deposit maybe 25K to have them haul you out.
Good luck!
08-12-2017, 10:06
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Re: Liability insurance for boat haulout and storage
Marine general liability insurance from Travelers, Marine general liability insurance from Starr, International Marine Underwriters, Marine general liability insurance from AMI (ACCESSIBLE MARINE INSURANCE) & more all come up from a Google search of "Marine general liability insurance”
"There's nothing, absolutely nothing, half so much worth doing as simply messing around in boats." -- River Rat, The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
08-12-2017, 10:17
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Re: Liability insurance for boat haulout and storage
Originally Posted by Capt. Ray
I searched for this specific question but came up with nothing.
Does anyone know a company that offers marine liability insurance? I'm looking specifically for a policy that just indemnifies a Yard for haulout, work and storage.
Are you sure you mean "indemnify"?
Underwriters do cover liability and comprehensive damage claims but I doubt you'll find anyone who indemnifies any yard for all damages absent any stipulations.
08-12-2017, 11:27
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Re: Liability insurance for boat haulout and storage
Well - that doesn't answer the question in any way whatsoever and tries to answer a question that wasn't asked, and is in fact completely irrelevant... and wrong.
Originally Posted by Boatguy30
If you have that boat that was anchored in the basin off the ICW, I think you’ll have a hell of a time.
In south Florida you’ll likely need to use a full service yard and you’ll probably have to pay a large deposit maybe 25K to have them haul you out.
Good luck!
08-12-2017, 11:35
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Re: Liability insurance for boat haulout and storage
Interesting and a good try. Unfortunately this isn't quite what I'm looking for. I am really looking for the same liability insurance that comes with a normal boat insurance policy. Specifically I understand that it is possible to buy insurance that covers marine yard haul-out for a boat that is not insurable yet because an out-of-water survey is needed first.
"Marine General Liability policies are the same as General Liability policies except they are designed specifically for those who work at sea. These policies include coverage for Marine Contractors and others who work on or near water."
Originally Posted by JeffH
Marine general liability insurance from Travelers, Marine general liability insurance from Starr, International Marine Underwriters, Marine general liability insurance from AMI (ACCESSIBLE MARINE INSURANCE) & more all come up from a Google search of "Marine general liability insurance”
08-12-2017, 12:00
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Re: Liability insurance for boat haulout and storage
Yes, but if it happens to be an 80' 40 y/o steel boat it ain't gonna happen without a full survey first.
So what kind of boat is it. If it's a Catalina 27 buy progressive online for $100
08-12-2017, 13:43
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Re: Liability insurance for boat haulout and storage
"is it possible to buy insurance...for a boat that is not insurable "
When you boil it all the way down, isn't the question the answer?
If the boat is not insurable because no determine of risk factors can be made, then how would any insurer know what to charge you for the limited coverage you want? Roll the dice? As crazy as they all may seem, they all do have (very confidential) hard numbers from their actuaries that they follow.
I'd guess that IF such a policy is available, the yard in question would know who has previously be willing to write it. And they'd be the ones to go to. Or, the yard can probably get coverage from their insurer--if you'll agree to pay the extra cost of that rider.
08-12-2017, 17:01
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Re: Liability insurance for boat haulout and storage
Originally Posted by Capt. Ray
I searched for this specific question but came up with nothing.
Does anyone know a company that offers marine liability insurance? I'm looking specifically for a policy that just indemnifies a Yard for haulout, work and storage.
Contact Gary - Gary@ManifestMarine.com
I just got a liability policy for a boat with no previous insurance and no survey, for the exact purposes you have stated.
09-12-2017, 09:47
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Re: Liability insurance for boat haulout and storage
09-12-2017, 20:24
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Re: Liability insurance for boat haulout and storage
There are no such seperate policies for just that purpose. You might find a liability only policy for your vessel meaning no hull coverage for your uninsured boat but I doubt it. The phone is your tool. Call various marine brokers from sailing magazines and ask of you dont know who to call.
11-12-2017, 10:28
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Re: Liability insurance for boat haulout and storage
You seem to be in the habit of providing false information.
I know for sure that it is possible to get insurance to haul out an old boat without a survey because I did it myself last year. You are describing a nonsensical Catch-22, that one cannot get insurance without a "full survey", yet one cannot get a survey without a haul-out and therefore need insurance.
In this case, however, I am only looking for a liability policy and we already now have a post giving a source that I am investigating.
Originally Posted by Boatguy30
Yes, but if it happens to be an 80' 40 y/o steel boat it ain't gonna happen without a full survey first.
So what kind of boat is it. If it's a Catalina 27 buy progressive online for $100
11-12-2017, 14:27
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Re: Liability insurance for boat haulout and storage
Originally Posted by Capt. Ray
You seem to be in the habit of providing false information.
I know for sure that it is possible to get insurance to haul out an old boat without a survey because I did it myself last year. You are describing a nonsensical Catch-22, that one cannot get insurance without a "full survey", yet one cannot get a survey without a haul-out and therefore need insurance.
In this case, however, I am only looking for a liability policy and we already now have a post giving a source that I am investigating.
Reading this thread I'm wondering why you are asking about liability insurance for haul out only. Don't you have liability insurance already?
Liability insurance covers damage done by you and/or your boat to other boats, buildings, humans, etc. If you don't have liability insurance already, then you are on the hook for any injury caused by you or your boat. Sailing without liability insurance is not an activity that would be highly recommended by most folks.
The marina most likely wants to be a "name insured" on you policy. This means if your boat does damage to another boat in the yard, your policy will cover the yard also. The contract you sign will usually have an indemnity clause, or a hold harmless clause.
11-12-2017, 14:44
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Re: Liability insurance for boat haulout and storage
Originally Posted by Dave Lochner
Reading this thread I'm wondering why you are asking about liability insurance for haul out only. Don't you have liability insurance already?
Liability insurance covers damage done by you and/or your boat to other boats, buildings, humans, etc. If you don't have liability insurance already, then you are on the hook for any injury caused by you or your boat. Sailing without liability insurance is not an activity that would be highly recommended by most folks.
The marina most likely wants to be a "name insured" on you policy. This means if your boat does damage to another boat in the yard, your policy will cover the yard also. The contract you sign will usually have an indemnity clause, or a hold harmless clause.
It would be imprudent for anyone to believe that all, or even most boats found on the water have insurance of any kind. This is just not the case. It is not a requirement in most jurisdictions. Financed boats usually have full coverage insurance, and boats that often visit marinas likely have at least liability. I have cruised since the early 90's without any insurance except the rare occasions when I need to go into a marina (child birth) or boat yards that require it - hence the liability binder I recently acquired as noted above for a recent boat yard visit.
As far as liability is concerned, that can be easily limited in multiple ways, the primary being proper seamanship. The next is proper ground tackle. You should also register your vessel to an LLC, not your person.
11-12-2017, 16:10
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Re: Liability insurance for boat haulout and storage
Originally Posted by SailsWithFists
It would be imprudent for anyone to believe that all, or even most boats found on the water have insurance of any kind. This is just not the case. It is not a requirement in most jurisdictions. Financed boats usually have full coverage insurance, and boats that often visit marinas likely have at least liability. I have cruised since the early 90's without any insurance except the rare occasions when I need to go into a marina (child birth) or boat yards that require it - hence the liability binder I recently acquired as noted above for a recent boat yard visit.
As far as liability is concerned, that can be easily limited in multiple ways, the primary being proper seamanship. The next is proper ground tackle. You should also register your vessel to an LLC, not your person.
In my earlier post I was trying to be tactful. Operating a boat without liability insurance is at best penny wise and pound foolish, at it's worst, it shows a callous disregard for the welfare of others.
Yes, good seamanship and a properly equipped vessel will mitigate the probability of accidents, but doing so is not foolproof. Stuff happens, even with highly competent professional sailors in well equipped state of the art boats. Do you need to be reminded of Vestas running aground in the last VOR?
Yes, I understand that there are irresponsible sailors and boaters who operate boats without liability insurance and that is why I and other responsible boaters carry uninsured boaters insurance. It protects us from folks like yourself who are too cheap to buy insurance. But why should we pay to protect our selves from the irresponsible?
Yes, you can save a few hundred dollars by not buying liability insurance. Yes, you can sort of protect yourself by using an LLC to own the boat. But you, as the operator of the boat can not escape liability. If you think that an insurance company is not going to go after any assets you have and crush you with legal fees, then you are quite naive.
The world is littered with people who do not want to take responsibility for their actions. Taking responsibility for one's self and helping to protect others is central to the maritime tradition. Refusing to carry liability insurance is an affront to that tradition and reflects poorly on the cruising community.
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