Originally Posted by malyea
- if I rig two jacklines on either side of the cabin down along each side deck and I fall outboard with a 6 tether ... I go over the side and drag along in the water till I drown or release my quick release ... correct?
- if I rig a single jackline on top of the cabin along the boats centerline and I fall outboard my 6 tether keeps me onboard ... correct?
What am I missing?
DING! Ding! We have a winner. Getting from the
cockpit to forward of the
dodger is the issue. I like going out over the
companionway. On deliveries, where I dont want to mess with an iffy
dodger, I rig lines along the side deck from the beam cleat to the stern cleat. From the
cockpit to forward of the dodger, I use the side deck, then clip onto the center jackline that is snubbed on the cabin top
Another method is to go from port stern cleat to starboard bow cleat, crossing the jackline aft of the