Boat Moorage - CommunityWalk
I'm interested in seeing how much local moorage costs and marina facilities compare around the world. I've created this communitywalk map that aggregates user data- please create a waypoint by any marinas/anchorages/mooring balls you have visited and please try to include:
-LOA and
Boat type
-Cost data (either total or per unit length)
-Facility amenities (shower, pool, restaurant,
wifi, etc)
-Utility hookups (electric, pumpout,
water, etc)
-And anything else you can think of or care to type!
I hope this will be a useful tool for gauging rough costs in different areas and be helpful in finding/choosing
They site requires an account to edit the map, but I have created a CF community account so you won't have to sign up individually to submit data:
username: cruisersforum
Click "Add Marker" at the top and either search by city/address/lat+lon, or click directly at the spot on the map.
Thank you!
PS- I couldn't find anything like this online, but please do let me know if this already exists in some form!