Boxes / Storage containers.........they give you height (and sometimes even drawers

) without having to make mods that can't be easily undone (which also means quick and easy

). It may one day be you who wants the V-Berth back as bunks, and even if not likely a buyer will.........
The above is actually at the top of my quarterberth but gives the idea (cheap as chips plastic storage) - I made some wooden blocks to hold the feet and their is a bungy over the top, not a 5 second job to remove - but easily under a minute, these drawers actually have a decent lip on them and also being fore and aft that not so critical - but nonetheless the drawers can be held closed with a bungy...(and for the nosy

- the labelling not the final version (marker pen on masking tape

), that will come when I finally decided WTF is going in each drawer!).
My Forecabin was built as a forepeak (no berths - simply the
head and loadsa storage), but I have a small aft cabin that is being re-invented as a walk in locker

using the same approach (at least for the short / medium term - but I have one eye on needing a double bunk onboard in the future

) - and my mod does include a decent sized tool box:-
It would have been bigger (taller) - just that I used what I already had (and it's got a waterproof seal

), plus some side opening storage boxes I also had already, kinda as follows:-
No pics of anything fitted as not quite done the final "nailing" down yet, so have not snapped any!
A squilion designs and sizes of boxes out there, at all budgets / materials. My thoughts even at one stage also extended to making my own custom fitted box(es) that could later simply be unscrewed leaving the berths intact, but I couldn't be arsed
