Snippets of
hurricane Earl from St. MArtin...
couldn't get outside for all of it... but you'll get the picture... The Air X
wind generator survived gusts of 94 MPH... the little white
boat by the big wreck at the end is a friends
boat... the wreck blew of Witches tit and dragged down onto his boat.... collected three anchors and then ran aground. We went out there this am and his boat didn't have a scratch and was sitting quite happily in the big
boats lee for the worst of the storm.
A little note... there were about twenty or thirty
boats aground and several destroyed after the storm. Virtually all of them still had
sails and
wind generators and crap up or on
deck and were not prepared for this type of
weather. It was sad to see perfectly good boats get thrashed because their owners didn't take a little time and prepare.
Also thew picture of the little yellow boat that could.... When it started getting windy the little yellow boat in the pictures went dragging
anchor off downwind. She dragged until she was out of sight.... later I see her dragging off across the
lagoon being blown downwind as the
wind swung from North to west she dragged across to the far side... then as the wind swung west south west she started back towards her original starting point..... dodged several boats... then as the wind went south she banged up against the boatyard wall.. probably she went a good mile or two on her adventure, but finished up as far as I could tell in one piece and less that a few hundred yards form where she started. Better lucky than good.