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Old 20-06-2015, 23:33   #46
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Re: How white is too white?

Please keep on topic. Multiple posts have been deleted as either being disruptive or responding to it.

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Old 21-06-2015, 02:48   #47
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Re: How white is too white?

Originally Posted by goat View Post
For the love of God don't try to pigeon-hole me. Also just because I used the word God doesn't make me religious. You'll have to troll elsewhere.

Apologies that you seem to feel offended, but you see trolling does not involve simply speaking good sense and good science. You were suggesting that an inadquate method of sun protection was adequate and necessary for essentially spurious reasons. Sorry, but where it concerns the risk of cancer, I feel such a response is justified. Sorry if it upset, but bad science advice like that is actually dangerous.

I am sorry you felt offended by my suggestions re: naturopaty/homeopathy etc. It is just that the views you were expressing are mainly promulgated on websites which are particularly of the former type, with the latter closely associated. Perhaps my suggestion about naturopathy was a hostage to fortune, but my posting of the links in the subsequent post, which demonstrated the lack of evidence for carcinogenic compounds in sunscreen and the inadequacy of olive oil or coconut oil as sun protection should have been enough to demonstrate clearly that I was in no way trolling.

I only hope I have managed to change your views on this and that you will use adequate protection rather than merely coconut oil in future. If not it is your thing entirely of course, so long as you don't try to suggest other people do likewise. But my intentions were and are benign and sincere.
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Old 21-06-2015, 04:14   #48
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Re: How white is too white?

Originally Posted by Getweh View Post
Wow! You white people got it rough! .... But then again even with my healthy portion of pigment, shade, hats, long sleeves and a bit of sunscreen is essential.
Indeed. We are genetically handicapped for dealing with the sun.

But of course there's no such thing as "white people" anyway -- all mankind are just different shades of brown or tan with a little pink mixed in for those of us unlucky enough to have some Irish blood. Normal European skin is far better than the skin those of us with even a little Irish blood. So we have no choice but to cover up.

Thread drift -- notwithstanding the sad history mankind has with judging people by skin tone, this is one of the most meaningless of genetic characteristics. Because in evolutionary time, it changes fast to suit the climate. So for example, the Finnish people, who have exactly the same very light skin tone as other Scandinavians (and the same light hair and eyes), are actually not related to the Swedes or Danes at all, and are in fact not related to Europeans any more than Japanese or African people are related to them. Their language isn't even European. So skin color isn't even a significant indicator of genetic groupings.
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Old 21-06-2015, 05:59   #49
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Re: How white is too white?

We were out to dinner here in Providenciales last night, and talking about this topic. As we observed a large group of freckled fair haired people with backless gowns showing off their white stripes from sunburns in bathins suits.We've noticed that we can tell what day of the week it is by looking at the arrive, burn, peel and heal cycles of the Canadians on holiday here.

Off topic, I realize, but we've also come to realize that we can spot the Americans fairly easily from a distance, too. They're the fat ones.
Expat life in the Devil's Triangle:
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Old 21-06-2015, 06:49   #50
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Re: How white is too white?

For what it is worth, my skin cancer doctor tells me that there is some evidence that regular application of sunscreen in addition to covering up can reduce the risk of melanomas developing and may also restore some of your lost immunity.
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Old 21-06-2015, 07:00   #51
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Re: How white is too white?

CHECK WITH A DERMATOLOGIST!!! but, years ago I was advised to take PABA tablets. Four of us were bareboating in the Bahamas for two weeks. Three of them were pasty pale. One got red looking at a calendar of sunrises. Everyone took the tablets (over the counter at a place like Walmart) for 90 days before getting on the boat. Lots of suncreen and no one got burned.

It can;t hurt to ask.
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Old 21-06-2015, 09:31   #52
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Re: How white is too white?

Originally Posted by sailorboy1 View Post
You only forget feet once ��

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Been there. Done that.

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Old 21-06-2015, 09:47   #53
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Re: How white is too white?

Wifey B: I've seen my hubby burned once and not terribly. Me rubbing lots of soothing lotion all over his body made it tolerant. However, I felt so freaking guilty that I was right there with him and allowed it to happen. He's never allowed me to get burned. I think he enjoys putting the lotion on to protect me.

Normally just my hubby is the obsessive one but when it comes to sun protection we both are. If you want to lead the lifestyle we do of outdoors then you must be. He could have the best tan in the world but we could play tennis and his nose would get burned so before we play it's a little protection for his face and a lot for his nose. It's like the nose never builds up any protection and he has a small nose.

On the boat or by the pool at home, we and all our guests really keep an eye on each other. We go through gallons of sun lotion about like diesel on the boat.

And don't ever ever ever fall victim to it's too cold to get burned or too cloudy or too early in the day or too late. If there's sun, you can get burned.
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Old 21-06-2015, 10:17   #54
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Re: How white is too white?

Originally Posted by Muckle Flugga View Post
Apologies that you seem to feel offended, but you see trolling does not involve simply speaking good sense and good science. You were suggesting that an inadquate method of sun protection was adequate and necessary for essentially spurious reasons. Sorry, but where it concerns the risk of cancer, I feel such a response is justified. Sorry if it upset, but bad science advice like that is actually dangerous.

I am sorry you felt offended by my suggestions re: naturopaty/homeopathy etc. It is just that the views you were expressing are mainly promulgated on websites which are particularly of the former type, with the latter closely associated. Perhaps my suggestion about naturopathy was a hostage to fortune, but my posting of the links in the subsequent post, which demonstrated the lack of evidence for carcinogenic compounds in sunscreen and the inadequacy of olive oil or coconut oil as sun protection should have been enough to demonstrate clearly that I was in no way trolling.

I only hope I have managed to change your views on this and that you will use adequate protection rather than merely coconut oil in future. If not it is your thing entirely of course, so long as you don't try to suggest other people do likewise. But my intentions were and are benign and sincere.

No apologies necessary. As I said, I use mechanical forms of sunscreen. I don't subscribe to freak paranoid websites (except this one ). The "at least we're winning the war on the environment" comment was lifted from a bumper sticker and seemed (to me) as a humorous addition to the "nature trying to kill us" comment (which I thought was quite clever).
Anyway a lot of serious topics here; cancer and whatnot, but I've never been one to take anything seriously and probably won't now. As Oscar Wilde said "Life is far too important to be taken seriously"

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Old 21-06-2015, 16:36   #55
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Re: How white is too white?

Originally Posted by Takamoana View Post
For what it is worth, my skin cancer doctor tells me[/url]
I hope I never say such a thing !
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