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Old 26-07-2015, 22:47   #46
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Re: How to test sail an Ovni

Originally Posted by robert sailor View Post
Polux I do have to say that I have been bitten by that Pogo 12.5. That is a damn cool boat and it sails like a witch. I wish I was 20 years younger and not needing a so called cruising interior because I would buy that boat for sure!!
If you want something similar to the Pogo, but with a bit more civilized interior, have a look at the RM 1070 or the upcoming RM 1270...

Home - RM Yachts
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Old 27-07-2015, 02:34   #47
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Re: How to test sail an Ovni

Originally Posted by robert sailor View Post
Polux I do have to say that I have been bitten by that Pogo 12.5. That is a damn cool boat and it sails like a witch. I wish I was 20 years younger and not needing a so called cruising interior because I would buy that boat for sure!!
I have a friend that has one and some days ago I saw one sailed by a lonely sailor that looked older than me and I am over 60.

That is the type of boat best adapted to the ones that like to sail and voyage on the trade winds while having fun.

I agree that the RM is a slightly less powerful boat with the same sailing characteristics and with an awesome cruising interior. Now it can come also with a swing keel but there are other boats from a new generation and with a good cruising interior with swing ballasted keel and a very good sailing performance.

Another friend had one of these (Wauquiez) that he changed recently for an RM:

Opium 39 - Presentation | Wauquiez

But for you, if money was no problem I would say that this one is the best for your program and love of sailing:

Comet Explorer 46 EX - Comar Yachts

Kind of a Garcia on steroids. It would be very funny to oversail almost all cruisers with a boat that looks comfy and slow. It would put a lot of sailors scratching their heads and looking up to their sails
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Old 27-07-2015, 02:55   #48
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Re: How to test sail an Ovni

Originally Posted by Jim Cate View Post
The curve with retracted keel is SCARY!! I surely agree with you re sailing with it up. If one became inverted with sails up, it might well stay that way forever... or until the mast failed.

But I agree with Pollux that no Pogo sailor is likely to sail with it up...

Lot of confusion regarding what I wanted to say.

Let me rephrase it again:

The Pogo sailboats should be sailed with their swing keels down and no Pogo sailor would think to sail it another way, except with light winds if the bottom is not enough for the big draft.

The Pogo sailboats with the keel up share similar stability characteristics with some OVNI, specially older ones, namely AVS and stability curve.
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Old 27-07-2015, 10:15   #49
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Re: How to test sail an Ovni

Originally Posted by K_V_B View Post
If you want something similar to the Pogo, but with a bit more civilized interior, have a look at the RM 1070 or the upcoming RM 1270...

Home - RM Yachts
Looked at a few vids..pretty sweet!
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Old 27-07-2015, 13:30   #50
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Re: How to test sail an Ovni

A lot of good information here for those interested in buying an aluminum French center boarder.

I think it was Nolexx or Polux that mentioned that there was some Boreals being sold second hand. Can you point me to those? As far as I know there are none yet on the second hand market. I get emails monthly from those interested in buying our Boreal 44 as they do not want to wait for the time it takes to have a new one built.

As far as the Allures are concerned, while in the Canaries I had a Frenchman who was crewing on his friends Ovni for an Atlantic crossing. We had dinner with him aboard our boat one evening and he mentioned that he was an Allures rep. I asked him if he was worried about deck leaking with the fiberglass deck on the Allures. He said that indeed he had had some Allures with leaking decks. I think the Allures is the most elegant of the French aluminum center boarders very beautiful indeed but I would want an aluminum deck on an aluminum boat. Our Boreal has a 10 mm thick hull and a 3mm thick deck. I would think that the 3mm deck is stronger and lighter than a glass deck. I like the idea that there is no through bolting in the entire deck and the welds for all hardware and cleats go below deck also making them very strong.

We did have an example of a French center border sliding when struck by a braking wave. We were 20 hours out from Panama and the Christmas winds were intense to our south as we sailed above the compresinon zone till it was time to head on a SW course. Waves at times were 15 feet and every so often they would break throughout the day for an hour or so. The Carribean sea is a strange place at times. I was on watch and sailing at about 120 apparent so I had the waves a bit on my beam. I had the centerboard about half way up when we got a gust about 40 knots and we got to about 90 degrees to the seas for a few seconds. I was taking watch in the doghouse and to my port side I saw a wall of white water coming at the boat in the dark. That wall of water hit us beam on and went over the dog house to the boom. One hell of a bang and shudder but I was warm and dry in the dog house. Cockpit filled up but emptied fast. But most amazing was we slid side ways for a couple of seconds then headed right on course without ever slowing down. If that had been our last boat a Mason 44 I think we would have been knocked down to the spreaders at least then rounded up into the wind and stalled out.

These French center boarders work very well as intended but there is a learning curve one must learn, not a hard learning curve mind you.


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