17-04-2015, 14:27
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Re: Help me not look stupid
Originally Posted by MoxieGirl
Thank you everyone for the quick replies.
I did mean to say where I was sailing from. S/E England, near Ipswich.
They are predicting a warm summer for England this year, which is nice. But they don't tell you, that the summers here rarely last more than a week or two.  So hoping for a warm day come mid May. But still, gonna dress warm.
Hi MoxiGirl,
Your best bet is probably Decathlon if you are near one.
Their mid-range sailing gear is excellent, and we use the top range gear commercially for work, in some nasty weather here in Ireland and I have yet to be let down by it.
I'd say you would get away with something around £40 for jacket which would last you well, and see if you can get some salopettes, I think they have a pair for about £50 which are good.
They havesome good caps with built in clips as well, and if you need it their low profile lifejackets:
This is good, but no harness: LJ900 150N light life vest 14 TRIBORD - Life jackets Boating...
With Harness: LJ900 150N life vest + harness TRIBORD - Life jackets Boating...
They do good deckshoes and boots too, and I reckon you could kit out with the basics for alot less than £200.
Also, don't forget something for the neck if you are sailing now and buy a jacket without a high neck, and most important, sunglasses, a good polarised pair helps alot, and Decathlon do floating ones as well.
Just wear layers under the outer jacket and salopettes, and in the UK I would thoroughly recommend the salopettes.
At least you have a warmer summer than we do, and Ipswitch should be nice in the summer.
Just enjoy yourself, and don't worry what people may think,you are there to enjoy yourself and to learn!
Oh yeah, gloves are handy as well, not so much for warmth, but just wear and tear on the hands, as well as grip when your hands are wet.
17-04-2015, 15:47
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Re: Help me not look stupid
MG, Check your local sailing publications for swap meets in your area, there's usually weather gear">foul weather gear to be had very cheaply.
17-04-2015, 15:58
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Re: Help me not look stupid
No high heels, ponchos or hard luggage.
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That derelict boat was another dream for somebody else, don't let it be your nightmare and a waste of your life.
17-04-2015, 16:44
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Re: Help me not look stupid
Moxie, you have have more than held your own in this thread. I have no doubt you will have great time.
You are correct that you don't know everything but that is what this forum is about, to help with the learning curve.
I will ( and usually do) tell people I can teach them to sail in a day, but it will take them the rest of their lives to learn all there is to sailing. I know that after 20 years I'm still learning.
So enjoy the beginning of your journey. It's not the same for any of us.
Perhaps in time you will be posting your experience/ expertise to someone else on this board. You've heard it, take what you like and go for it. As Mark Twain said, "at the end of your life you will have more regrets for what you didn't do than for the things you did"
Be safe have fun and let us know how it went.
Sent from my iPhone using Quantum Entagelment
17-04-2015, 18:35
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Re: Help me not look stupid
Originally Posted by MoxieGirl
I'll take a small duffle bag with some wet weather gear, sunglasses (always the optimist) a warm hat, maybe boots and a change of clothes in case I fall in the water when climbing on board - which would just be typical. LOL
If your duffle bag isn't waterproof, pack everything into a big plastic bag and then put that in your duffle bag. There tends to be a lot of water in and around sailboats and the last thing you'll want is a duffle bag full of wet clothes after it gets splashed, rained on, set on a wet deck, or dropped over the edge of the dock.
Definitely bring a change of clothes.
(Voice of experience!)
17-04-2015, 19:51
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Re: Help me not look stupid
I have only sailed from Bvi to Grenada and back to Florida and a few thousand miles in between , but I hate shoes, and never wear them till going ashore. I keep a pair of flops on the dingy. I do not go out if there is a hurricane brewing but have been through four on boats so know a bit about them. No gloves, unless pulling some nasty lines. Go simple. If you are not going past Trinadad, just bring some minimal foul weather gear(or just get wet). I have lived aboard for many years and have sailed to Cuba and lots of places and can not remember wearing shoes. have a blast
17-04-2015, 23:30
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Re: Help me not look stupid
Originally Posted by cabo_sailor
..... As Mark Twain said, "at the end of your life you will have more regrets for what you didn't do than for the things you did"
That is one of the reasons I'm doing this in the first place. Sometimes I have a little regret that I didn't push myself and become a commercial pilot, or that I didn't fly in the Air Force. Everyone said I was a natural. Beyond the simple love of flying a plane, I loved the freedom it gave me to traverse the world.
So, am pretty sure I'm going to love sailing too, and die happy.
I like it said this way: When we are old, we are never going to look back over our lives and wish we'd worked those extra weekends when we had the chance.
I think happiness/success in life comes down to 3 things. Attitude, who you know, and priorities. It's not about what you own or how many pennies you have in the bank.
Steve - Waterproof duffle bag, GREAT idea. Will see what I can do.
Who suggested a bikini? LOL I (unfortunately) have a few pounds to lose before I wear a bikini, but that's part of my project plan too.
Captnkonpf - as far as not wearing shoes goes, from what I read, not many people wear clothes once out on the open water. Granted, I imagine that depends on your circumstance and who you're with. But if it's warm, you're only with your partner, why bother. Awesome!
My blog, Sofa to Sailboat where you'll also find sample chapters from my upcoming novel.
18-04-2015, 00:03
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Re: Help me not look stupid
I've reached a point in my life where I don't give a hoot what I look like - it certainly never worked out before so what the hell.
Folks point to layers. It may seem warm while on shore but that won't be the same on the water - especially in the SE of England.
A light windbreaker with layers keeps the wind out and if it warms up you can take off the sweater while keeping the wind off you. Comfy shoes with sticky soles. A knit hat
If anybody makes fun of your outfit kick them in the shins. Works for me.
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Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
18-04-2015, 00:07
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Re: Help me not look stupid
having been in your position not so long ago myself, and not wanting to look stupid, a friend wanted to learn as well and convinced me to join a yacht club. Being a skateboarder the whole club thing was not very appealing for me, but he wanted to so I did as well. Best thing to start with, ever. To be a member of the club you had to do their basic yachting course, so this was given to you at a discounted rate along with your membership, which was very reasonable. Best thing about it is they teach you how to start well, and how to progress into it, as well as giving you a solid grounding in the safety aspects from the start, and the give way rules at sea. They teach you the very basics about being on another persons boat. We had eight weeks, one night session of theory, and one day session of practical in the weekend. Forget the wet weather and put the first money towards knowledge of how not to wreck someone else's boat. Another cool thing was at the end of the course, they had a captain's night where captain's of boats from the club came along and met with the people who had completed the course, looking for new members of crew for upcoming club racing season, so the learning continued. If you are cold someone will give you something extra they have. See if there is a yacht club in your local area and if so give it a try or at least ring them and see what they offer. People at such places are generally really nice and respect you for reaching out when learning. The people they do not respect are the ones who do not learn the rules of the sea before they take the wheel . . .
18-04-2015, 05:26
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Re: Help me not look stupid
Cruiseycatter, That is some of the best advice yet. It was much the same with archery. Once I'd joined a club, people couldn't do enough for you. And being me, I couldn't do enough back.
I fully imagine I'll join a yacht club, but probably next year. Too much on this year. I have some time to learn theory and read books on sailing, but that is about all. Maybe the odd day sail.
Granted, once I get on the water next month that might change. If I love it as much as I expect I will.
My blog, Sofa to Sailboat where you'll also find sample chapters from my upcoming novel.
18-04-2015, 08:00
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Re: Help me not look stupid
It is a difficult question to answer, I usually wear nothing but that may be frowned upon at your new sailing school. So just wear stuff to keep warm, a nice parka if its looks like a cold day and a raincoat to stay dry. But for goodness sake, if you're going to wear jeans make sure they have no studs. These leave horrible scratches on gelcoat and paint finishes.
18-04-2015, 08:09
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Re: Help me not look stupid
Originally Posted by jeepbluetj
For a daysail? Look at the weather in the AM and dress appropriately.
Shoes - something that won't mark. I wear skate shoes. Like em better than boat shoes and they're cheap. I do wear shoes most of the time 'cause I hate stubbing my toe on the chainplates and stuff.
I wouldn't run out and pick up a $400 set of foulies. Just something to stay dry/warm in if it's gonna be wet. For where I am, I'll know if it's going to be wet before I go out.
Disclaimer: I sail where it's warm, almost never rains, and don't have foulies myself. YMMV, and location matters.
What are "skate shoes" ?
18-04-2015, 08:10
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Re: Help me not look stupid
Here's the perfect outfit for the moments when you vont to be alone. On top of that, if you feel like becoming an armchair admiral you're all set with both the outfit and the armchair. Win - win.
18-04-2015, 10:01
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Re: Help me not look stupid
MG The Bikini guy, Good on you & your mindset. I for one, live a life of adventure, no unanswered questions. No what ifs, or I wish I did that. We are here to enjoy this life for at this time we only have this one that I know of. So go on with your bad self, leave no rock upturned. Oh Archery?? I have a range at the Montana ranch, great sport.Fly a 1940 Waco Bi.
18-04-2015, 13:48
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Re: Help me not look stupid
It appears that your "sailing attire" has been adequately attended to in the above posts. Just a couple of things. If you have long hair, take a few bands with to ensure it does not get stuck in a winch or block whilst working one. Keep your ID / drivers licence in a zip-lock bag in your carry bag - same with a cell phone. Take a couple extra sets of underwear - sitting on wet decks and then walking around with a wet backside is not comfortable. Although you do not suffer from motion sickness, make sure your food you take is not acidic. Take a packet of boiled sweets to suck and a packet of ginger biscuits to munch on. And take your own bottled water.
Lastly, just relax and enjoy the day!
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