ha ha ha the only place to steer clear of is the overly ignorant and violent
sadly this is reality.
arrogance is one thing, imposing ones arrogance on others is unforgiveable.
acting as if one is the policeman for world is arrogance.
PRESUMING the rest of the world is as violent as is
usa is arrogance.
PRESUMING that, just because you are a citizen of usa you have right to carry arms into other nations is extreme arrogance. the rights of individuals in usa are merely for usa.
you are NOT covered outside usa borders.
leave your
guns at home when you
avoid problem areas wherein folks are suffering hardship.
donot flaunt your wealth, which, even if you are ssi recipient, is much more than in hands of citizens of the places you travel.
remember a
boat is a sign of wealth.
i love reading the ignorant rantings of those who feel the NEED to bear arms in other locales than merely in their on nasty neighborhoods.
makes me laugh my ass off.
ye take weapons into other nations without researching the laws of those locations and then scream bludi murder when you are detained for such behavior.
your actions reflect the nation from which your snakelike bodies slither from the borders. it is unfortunate the usa has individuals such as you to reinforce the ugliness that is the american abroad. shameful.
y'all MUST read "the ugly american". it was a book written about the likes of you all.
perhaps you might drop the narcissistic approach and begin a less obnoxious attitude--perhaps a little more educated and willing to absorb new kinowledge....
learning what is happening in the world around ye, learn where the hotspots of the world are and avoid em.
the respons to your rantings about your illegal weaponry are hilarious, as you are only ones demanding to bear arms at sea. what ye expecting, a bludi world revolution?? why do you feel NEED to carry armament into these peaceful waters we
cruise?? why do you feel your wimpy weaponry will protect you in a war zone??
get real. why do you insist on making all areas in which you feel urge to bring these weapons a war zone--which is what you are doing by bringing weapons of war into the places we cruise.
are you planning to overthrow a govt?? are you planning on killing someone in their own nation>?? what will you do AFTER you shoot someone with your war weapons?? do you think you will be set loose on the countryside and applauded? i think not-- you WILL suffer time in a prison in a third world dick-tatershit waiting forever for trial, which may never come to be. you are in violation of their laws and on their land. yeah usa may come to your
rescue, or not.
outside of usa you may find napoleonic law as a base -- you are guilty until proven innocent-- and you will not be proven innocent if you shoot a weapon and injure or kill someone outside usa.
facts is facts. laws are laws. obey them. live in peace.
do you have lots of
do you have lots of clout in usa??
if not--leave the stupidity and your clown car in your local pawn shop on your way out of usa.
instead of taking offense at being disallowed weaponry in other nations, try thinking about the consequences of shooting that forbidden weapon in the country in which it is forbidden.
enjoy your alleged rights, but only within your own nation.
you have none outside usa.
usa is only nation allows weaponry for its defense to be in hands of the citizens. think about it a while.
and then there is maritime law, with its ownsets of rules and
regulations regarding weaponry.. read em all and understand your tenuous at best standing in and outside of the
legal network of the planet.
another hypocrisy i found was the attitude some have about alleged right to life--- seems only fetuses are allowed that by the spewers of this chant... they will murder physicians and kill staffing in clinics and yell about rights to bear arms--and kill whom they choose to kill in the name of right to life.
imagine how this all looks to the citizens of the nations in which we cruise--
keep your testosterone in your pants and
guns in the pawn shop when you cruise.
you are supposedly cruising in peace, are you not?
if that is so, why bring war weapons with ye??? is NOT for protection.
as for usa saving anyones asses--- as the situation has been set up by govt of usa, banning armed usa citizens only makes sense. think about it a while. mebbe your narcissistic selves might be able to eek out a thought that is not centered around self.
how soon the cycles of
history are forgotten. perhaps due to the fail of education systemless in usa...rodl..
another problem in usa is that the citizens have been dummied down--many of ht e important things to learn have been omitted and banned from education. the
kids are being taught the usa is the only intelligence between earth and mars, when in reality, usa has one of the worst education systems and records in planet. the
kids are not being taught anything useful anymore. nanny state and political correctness is not education. it is arrogance personified. the ugly american has gotten only uglier than when i first encountered the phenomenon in
europe in 1971.
ye do not see other nations producing gun nutz, do ye??/ hell no.
get over your obsession with weaponry. speak peace--do peace. walk your talk