19-01-2016, 08:34
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Re: Guns on boats equals 5 years jail time
Originally Posted by sailingfarmer
I guess a water called machine gun on the pulpit is out of the question in Europe? ;-)
"A gentleman must not be deprived of his weapons" : Heathcliff, Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte
I guess there are no gentlemen anymore.
I think if Customs puts a seal on a gun locker while in Port ... that that should be sufficient safety for a country accommodating sailors of good repute who sail sometimes in the "not so safe" waters in the world where there is no 911.
If you have read wuthering heights carefully you can hardly call heathcliff a gentleman.
19-01-2016, 08:39

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Re: Guns on boats equals 5 years jail time
Yeah, seems pretty tough to have a rational conversation about guns, the US, and even world history in the same thread. I've read a few that have been started along these lines, and sadly none of them that I've seen have ended well.
19-01-2016, 08:39
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Re: Guns on boats equals 5 years jail time
Originally Posted by Blue Crab
So, Zee, yer anti-guns I guess? ��
No, she is anti-American, spewing her vitriol in broken English, and criticizing education. An obviously "peace loving sentient being" with at least two exes, I'm sure she still treats with Loving Kindness! Amusing rant though...
19-01-2016, 08:42
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Re: Guns on boats equals 5 years jail time
Am I paranoid, I was in process of posting here site dropped now my post not here?
19-01-2016, 08:44
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Re: Guns on boats equals 5 years jail time
I believe in the old adage "live by the sword, die by the sword" which I've always thought to mean if you have a sword (or gun) in your hand you're more likely to die that way then if not but I also don't want to be empty handed if an armed entity threatens my family on my slow moving (sitting duck) sailboat.
As sailors we prepare for every possible scenario and that's a foreseeable one that I am reluctantly preparing for. Magnum loads in a 12 gauge shotgun that may stop the engine on an intercepting boat and give us a chance to flee at a blistering slow run.
19-01-2016, 08:44
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Re: Guns on boats equals 5 years jail time
With all the ill will towards Americans it is clear why some feel the need to be able to protect themselves.
19-01-2016, 08:46
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Re: Guns on boats equals 5 years jail time
Originally Posted by zeehag
and, so, what happened to the italians who murdered the indian fishers?? were they permitted to live or were they taken into imprisonment and punished, and what was the punishment, please.. or did they not make it to prison for that state punishment??
They couldn't because they were in international waters:
It 1s being judged by the international court for the law on the sea:
Not finished yet but I think they will be convicted as charged. Those shoots were meant not to be on target but just warning shoots to a boat that come to close (50m).
Last news about that:
Probably this case contributed to the hash measures India took on the case of the American private patrol boat.
19-01-2016, 08:46
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Re: Guns on boats equals 5 years jail time
Originally Posted by zeehag
PRESUMING that, just because you are a citizen of usa you have right to carry arms into other nations is extreme arrogance. the rights of individuals in usa are merely for usa.
Every individual, in every nation, throughout all of human history, has had the individual right to keep and bear arms for defense of himself, his family, and his community. The only question is whether this right is recognized by the government, or infringed by it.
Most, throughout history, have infringed upon it, to various degrees.
We need to recognize that infringement, and find ways to deal with it.
But we must never accept that that infringement can ever be justified.
19-01-2016, 08:46
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Re: Guns on boats equals 5 years jail time
Originally Posted by Formosa Scott
With all the ill will towards Americans it is clear why some feel the need to be able to protect themselves.
It's actually this need that spawns the ill will I think. (and a tendency to be arrogant towards the rest of the world)
19-01-2016, 08:46
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Re: Guns on boats equals 5 years jail time
Second ex-husband from hell? No need for further explanation.
19-01-2016, 08:48
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Re: Guns on boats equals 5 years jail time
Originally Posted by Jdege
Every individual, in every nation, throughout all of human history, has had the individual right to keep and bear arms for defense of himself, his family, and his community. The only question is whether this right is recognized by the government, or infringed by it.
Most, throughout history, have infringed upon it, to various degrees.
We need to recognize that infringement, and find ways to deal with it.
But we must never accept that that infringement can ever be justified.
And where does this so called right to carry weapons emanate from?
19-01-2016, 08:48

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Re: Guns on boats equals 5 years jail time
Originally Posted by Vipe6
The world isn't only black and white. It's not that whlie some of us do not agree with american foreign politics that we are supporters of IS, far from it. For me both are as despicable. You can bomb the world to pieces but you can't bomb it into peace. Never has there been any peace as a result of war, peace has never come from the barrel of a gun.
Sorry, I have to take a little issue with this one. I don't think that if we had sent roses, hugs and kisses and warm fuzzies over to Hitler early in WWII when we were getting into it, he would have said, Oh, Sorry, just kidding about rolling over most of Europe. I was a bad boy, I didn't mean it, and I'm going to go home and sit in the corner in a time out because I deserve it. Get real, man. Humans are humans, some good, some bad. Warm fuzzies and singing Kum ba yah will have exactly zero effect on the bad ones, other than probably provoking a fit of laughter.
19-01-2016, 08:48
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Re: Guns on boats equals 5 years jail time
Since this is a cruising forum why don't we steer this back to a conversation related to cruising. I'm wondering what the laws about carrying guns are in the Caribbean & the Bahamas. To be honest I'm not even sure what the laws are here in Florida. I've got an old shotgun that I inherited from my father but have never carried it on the boat. I think I can safely assume that carry guns when cruising Cuba would be monumentally dumb.
19-01-2016, 08:49
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Re: Guns on boats equals 5 years jail time
Originally Posted by nauticalnomad
WTF.... America's govt.. So i didnt come off as racist..Not the people!
The govt brainwashes you as its citizens to think that you are "saving the world"..
The worlds been brainswashed with an influx of repeated movies of America or some " American hero" saving all of us or others bla bla bla.
The wars of the world even before WW2 were backed, manipulated or started by the US govt.. And then the population bleats out.. "Save our asses" The Desert dwellers in the middle east would not know where most of the world was unless a certain govt had not set up camp there and seperated tribes to cause internal conflict and make somenot all greedy from oil. They manipulated the govts of the world for their own gain. I cant believe that you think the world is ok with the actions.. If anything the rest of us are sitting here waiting for someone to come and save us all from America...
Excuse me. You say you live in Australia and the Mid East. I was born in Australia and will remain ever thankful for the United States in aiding Australia from being invaded by the Japanese during WWII. America and the spilled blood of their best saved my place of birth. American blood was spilled in saving Kuwait from invasion. American blood was spilled in saving millions in Korea from the evil of the North. American blood was spilled in liberating Europe and the United Kingdom from the clutches of the evil monstrous Nazis. All of these wars that the United States sent their young men and of recent women into very serious harms way were wars that were NOT started by the United States. Western civilization owes a huge debt to the United States for saving their collective backsides around the globe.
You last words "the rest of us are sitting here waiting for someone to come and save us all from America" shows your hostility towards one of the greatest freedom loving democracies the world has ever seen. Your hostility towards the United States tells me that you are most likely a newer resident of Australia who feels more at home in some mid east culture. Its amazing how the US haters come out and reveal their true colors.
I am now a permanent resident of the United States. I thank GD for the USA and I will always defend her against the scum of the world who disrespect and show hostility to the greatest democracy on the planet. And I will always be grateful for American lives given in the defense of my birth country and the defense of most of the free world.
Too bad you anti American hater can't wait to see yourself saved from America. Sickening anti American hate.
19-01-2016, 08:52
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Re: Guns on boats equals 5 years jail time
Originally Posted by Scout 30
Since this is a cruising forum why don't we steer this back to a conversation related to cruising. I'm wondering what the laws about carrying guns are in the Caribbean & the Bahamas. .................
If you are smart, you will contact the various government and ask. And get your answer in writing.
Don't count on members of a web forum for legal advice.
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