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Old 16-03-2015, 18:28   #1
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Grenada for Hurricane season recommendations

Currently in BVIs and deciding if we go N, S, E or W...and considering Grenada for July - Nov. We would want to stay aboard and be in a location thats interesting. Probably in a marina for the convenience factor.
Our current insurer is with pantaenius and they dont cover us for named storms unless we are as low as Trinidad, or the excess goes to 25% of the claim. (Unless we are hauled and tied down in Grenada or anywhere in the Caribbean)
pantaenius is good because the period is 4 1/2 months (July1 - Nov 15) as opposed to topsails 6 months (june 1 - Dec 1), but topsail covers the south of grenada in a marina, anchored or on a buoy
We may keep pantaenius till July 1 then switch to topsail, yet to be decided.
Anyway, we would like to stay in a marina with nice facilities and some social stuff going on as well. By nice I mean a choice of a few restaurants nearby and a pool. Don't care what the dunny's are like.
So a reasonably protected marina is a plus, no point spending months rocking and rolling in swell, but hurricane proof not so important. Any sign of a named storm hitting and we would be doing our best to secure her and holing up in a hotel, hence the insurance being necessary. If we wanted to stay aboard and tie to mangroves and do our best to save the ship, we would probably have a a different destination and attitude.
During our time there we would like to see the best of the island with some traveling, maybe rent a car for a while, do some diving, some sailing (trinidad, ABCs, Grenadines etc) when the weather permits, kite surfing, surfing and maybe get my YM certificate. We could also marina hop I guess as rates seem pretty much the same by the month.
So any advice on which marina for a start would be much appreciated, also any advice on alternate insurance companies that might do a six month in the water deal in Grenada.
Also, I see a couple of haul out yards like grenada marine which seem reasonable as far as rates so we would probably haul for a week and do an antifoul at some stage. Is it possible to get hauled at short notice in the event of an approaching storm and tied down? I imagine we would be at the back of the line behind local charter companies even if space is available in the yard so I would be hesitant to rely on this as my hurricane plan...
Thanks again
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Old 18-03-2015, 07:44   #2
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Re: Grenada for Hurricane season recommendations

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Old 18-03-2015, 08:10   #3
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Re: Grenada for Hurricane season recommendations

The marina you are best looking at is Port Lois Marina, St Georges. - PORT LOUIS MARINA RESERVATIONS
Port Louis Marina | Grenada Marina | Caribbean Marina | CN Marinas | Camper & Nicholsons Marinas

The websites stress the superyacht dock. They will be empty, but the slips for normal boats will be full.
Its in a pretty good huricane hole and I would have my boat there.

Theres a pool, onsite restaurants and very close to StGeorges which I find incredibly interesting.

Other Grenada marinas are not mu cup o tea as they are far removed from town. But others love them.
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Old 19-03-2015, 08:10   #4
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Re: Grenada for Hurricane season recommendations

Great info, thanks Mark. I contacted them, a bit pricier for a 40' cat at $30 a day but that's ok. Problem now is insurance, I just realised pantaenius doesn't even cover trinidad, it's limit is 10 degrees N. So definitely looking for a new insurure that will cover grenada in the water..
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Old 21-03-2015, 14:05   #5
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Re: Grenada for Hurricane season recommendations

Originally Posted by monte View Post
Great info, thanks Mark. I contacted them, a bit pricier for a 40' cat at $30 a day but that's ok. Problem now is insurance, I just realised pantaenius doesn't even cover trinidad, it's limit is 10 degrees N. So definitely looking for a new insurure that will cover grenada in the water..

We are with Pantaenius and they will cover us in a marina in Grenada but the deductible goes up to 15% in a named storm.
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Old 22-03-2015, 07:47   #6
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Re: Grenada for Hurricane season recommendations

Thanks Robert. My deductible goes up to 20% with pantaenius. Also their hurricane box is actually south of trinidad so let's hope for no hurricanes, where would you go?!
I'm looking at changing insurer and I've found a well known one that will cover grenada in the water with no deductible increase at about the same premium as pantaenius so likely will go with them. I did contact quite a few and not many will cover grenada.
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Old 08-04-2015, 12:38   #7
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Re: Grenada for Hurricane season recommendations

I lost my boat on the hard in Grenada. Go to Trinidad, only one day further, good cost and supplies.
Presently, I stay on a mooring in Grenada. Stay away from crowded places, others will drift into you, like in Egmont Bay. Some recommend to stay in a safe place and stay on the boat.
United Insurance from Barbados knows the risks and areas better than anybody.
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Old 08-04-2015, 21:56   #8
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Re: Grenada for Hurricane season recommendations

Hey Monte, just curious and if you think it's none of my business I completely understand, but what do you budget yourself annually or is that not even an issue? Just asking because I may finally start my adventure this fall. You seem to do it the way I would like to.
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Old 09-04-2015, 07:44   #9
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Re: Grenada for Hurricane season recommendations

No worries Idy. We don't really budget but do try to make the best choices to minimise unnecessary expenses and monthly expenses change a lot depending in the area we are sailing and what we are doing. For instance we found in the med we needed to use marina a bit more often, but still managed to anchor out up to 4 weeks at a time between those periods. Often a marina is just a one night stop for provisions, laundry, boat cleaning etc, but sometimes it's a one week or more to sit for favourable weather to continue.
Jen keeps an accurate expenses spreadsheet but I'll give you a rough idea of ours for the last 12 months
May, June picked up boat in France, stayed almost 2 months in marine having solar, WM etc fitted and doing some land travel. I won't include boat upgrades as they are part of the boat, one off costs.

Marina - 1000
Groceries - 500
Annual hull and health insurance per month - 400
Eating out - 500
Land travel - 1000
Communications/internet - 100
Entry fees, cruising permits etc -
Doctor, medical, vet fees - 200
Fuel and gas - 150 (started with a full tank ex factory)

Total 3850 x 2 months

July - October. Sailing from France to canaries with a brief stop in med for some morocco land travel.

Marina - 100
Groceries - 500
Annual hull and health insurance per month - 400
Eating out - 300
Land travel - 300
Communications/internet - 100
Entry fees, cruising permits etc - 50
Doctor, medical, vet fees - 50
Fuel and gas - 200

Total - 2000 x 4

Nov sailed to canaries to the part in Atlantic odyssey crossing to Martinique, spent a month anchored around graciosa and 2 weeks in marina prior to departure. One week free docking with the rally. Filled with fuel and provisioned for the crossing

Marina - 300
Groceries - 1000
Annual hull and health insurance per month - 400
Eating out - 500
Land travel - 500
Communications/internet - 100
Entry fees, cruising permits etc - 500
Doctor, medical, vet fees - 200
Fuel and gas - 400
Engine service - 400

Total 4300

Dec - Atlantic crossing and arrival in Martinique

Marina - 1 week included in rally in Martinique, then anchored out
Groceries - still using last months provisions
Annual hull and health insurance per month - 400
Eating out - 200
Land travel - 200
Communications/internet - 500 satphone fees
Entry fees, cruising permits etc - 50
Doctor, medical, vet fees -
Fuel and gas - 550

Total 1900

Jan - April. Sailing north from Martinique to BVIs and now back in antigua headed south.

Marina/mooring buoys - 100
Groceries - 500
Annual hull and health insurance per month - 500
Eating out - 300
Land travel - 300
Communications/internet - 100
Entry fees, cruising permits etc - 50
Doctor, medical, vet fees - 50
Fuel and gas - 100

Total 2000 x 4

So as you can see the cruising area and style will effect the monthly costs. We could easily reduce some costs or increase, but we live comfortably, eat out when we feel like it and do whatever activities we feel like without thinking of a budget, we just think is it worth it. We also did a few dives with dive schools, had tanks filled etc and they're included in the land travel costs above. Jens spreadsheet is much more detailed but that's the basic costs above with less categories. Land travel included hiring cars or scooters in most islands, as well as organised tours, some months it might be 600, some zero..
I'd expect our stay in grenada over hurricane season to be something like

Marina - 1000
Groceries - 500
Annual hull and health insurance per month - 500
Eating out - 400
Land travel - 400
Communications/internet - 100
Entry fees, cruising permits etc -
Doctor, medical, vet fees - 50
Fuel and gas - 150

Total 3100 x 5

Apart from engine servicing there's been no maintainance costs except cleaning products, maybe $100. We will probably haul out and antifoul next November so that will be around 2400, and also service engines for another 400. We haven't really spent any money in chandlers since we picked up the boat. Maybe $200 on courtesy flags and a dinghy light and replacement anchor for the one I snagged in dominica.
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Old 18-05-2015, 04:26   #10
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Re: Grenada for Hurricane season recommendations

Again, excellent info, many thx Monte, just found your budget figures. Will update my files. Cheers / Tobbe

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Old 19-05-2015, 06:51   #11
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Re: Grenada for Hurricane season recommendations

Monte, just a quick one, your figures are in Australian dollars? Cheers

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Old 19-05-2015, 07:53   #12
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Re: Grenada for Hurricane season recommendations

Monte said, "I don't care what the dunny's are like." Wow, that threw this Texas cowboy a curve. Thank goodness for Wikipedia. It is Australian slang for outhouse!
Jerry and Denver
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Old 19-05-2015, 16:01   #13
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Re: Grenada for Hurricane season recommendations

Euros, which are a little more than usd now and I don't like to convert to aud as it's depressing
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Old 19-05-2015, 16:38   #14
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Re: Grenada for Hurricane season recommendations

Thx. Wishful thinking from my side, saw your dollar sign 👻. Your average is below 3000 euro, which serves in the Swedish Ocean Sailing club as an average for a cruising couple 😃👍🏻

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Old 20-05-2015, 08:04   #15
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Re: Grenada for Hurricane season recommendations

Originally Posted by monte View Post
Great info, thanks Mark. I contacted them, a bit pricier for a 40' cat at $30 a day but that's ok. Problem now is insurance, I just realised pantaenius doesn't even cover trinidad, it's limit is 10 degrees N. So definitely looking for a new insurure that will cover grenada in the water..
We use Offshore Risk and will also be in Grenada, already in the Grenadines. They cover us on the hard or in a slip. Don't know yet where exactly we'll be.
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