Originally Posted by Bighouse
...From Tom's River, NJ to Memphis by way of Great Lakes and down the Mississippi, sticking close to shore, is 2429 miles. Moving 9 mph for 14 hours/day that would be 19.2 days not counting breakdowns or bad weather etc...
I have two weeks' vacation time saved up. The hull speed of the boat would be approximately eight knots. I am willing to drive very long days but I'm an inexperienced mariner and if anybody is going to run aground or hit something it will be me...
Your arithmetic is nearly correct (19.2777 should be rounded to 19.3), but your basic assumptions are suspect.
I’d calculate an 8
knot sailbboat to AVERAGE less than 8 kts over a full day (day after day) - certainly
not more than hull speed.
Since you’ll only have about 11 average daylight hours in October*, at those latitudes, I’d assume shorter travel days (than 14 hours), in unfamiliar encumbered waterways.
Assuming a trip covering 2,500 miles, at 7 knots (optimistic), over 10.5 hour days, I’d expect the trip to take
not less than
2500 ÷ (7 x 10.5) = 33.33 or
34 travel days
If you could do the trip in May or June, 13 - 14 hour days might be realistic; but would still require 25 - 26 travel days.