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Old 17-08-2008, 08:47   #16
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Pick your name, have fun and dream a LOT!

From being out cruising for the last few years, the FIRST thing I would do is make sure the name you pick works well over the radio! No kidding, I have heard some boats names that make talking to them a pain. No one wants to insult them, but no one can get the name correct. And in an emergency it can delay things!

After that, there IS an official renaming ceremony for changing the name on any boat/ship. You can Google it it up. They have a few and all are fun. Make it a fun time and invite friend to join in.

We know a guy who's boat burned in La Paz. He got another boat and decided to rename it. Here is a link to a short YouTube video of that.

And there are others there also!


Greg & Jill Delezynski
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Old 17-08-2008, 08:50   #17
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Is it bad luck, poor taste, or just plain old wrong to have figured out "the" name of my boat?
The name needs to go with the boat. Of our past two boats enither had names I could live with. The first boat should havebeen renamed back before the previous owner as I think in hindsight it was abetter name. Our current boat had aname based on the company the first owner sold to buy it.

All names usually come from something important. If you have something you think iss better it's better luck to rename the boat using the appropiate process / ceremony.
Paul Blais
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Old 17-08-2008, 11:26   #18
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Originally Posted by imagine2frolic View Post
Since you have a catamaran you will need two virgins. One for each bow.......JUST KIDDING....... If you let superstition rule your life you will have no control. Change the name, and make it fun with some obscure ritual..........BEST WISHES, and what name would you change it to, and from?
Jeez if you had to find 2 virgins, you would never be able to rename the boat, or would be in danger of prosecution for placing young children into danger.
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Old 17-08-2008, 13:14   #19
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Two Virgins? No chance for me, I live in Essex.
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Old 24-08-2008, 05:32   #20
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Originally Posted by vveerrgg View Post
Is it bad luck, poor taste, or just plain old wrong to have figured out "the" name of my boat...
The boat name says far more about the owner/skipper than anything else… despite lore to the contrary, and never mind one method or another may be in poor taste, the boat doesn’t care what name (or how many) I plaster on her… or when I do it… only the owner (and the CG for documented vessels) care… guy in our marina changes the name on his boat as girl-friends/wives come and go… his social-life may be an bit of a hodge-podge, but as far as I can tell, the boat is just fine…
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Old 25-08-2008, 08:08   #21
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Originally Posted by dcstrng View Post
guy in our marina changes the name on his boat as girl-friends/wives come and go… his social-life may be an bit of a hodge-podge, but as far as I can tell, the boat is just fine…
Oh no, that's not it at all. It's because he isn't using the proper ceremony that he's constantly losing girlfriends/wives. King Neptune is having his revenge - the boat is surely cursed. I wouldn't sail on it, that's for sure.
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Old 25-08-2008, 08:30   #22
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Originally Posted by vveerrgg View Post
I'm set on getting a boat... I've short listed the boat list down to two. Done tons of research on the options. Contemplated the various ways to finance etc.... And most of all started working and living with a plan to eventually own .

Here's my current dilemma:

Is it bad luck, poor taste, or just plain old wrong to have figured out "the" name of my boat? I don't have the my part yet.... just the name.

Not in my book. Hell, I know what I would name my next three boats, if it ever comes to that! I don't see anything wrong with keeping the name on a used boat, unless the name is inappropriate/just plain stupid (I won't give examples to protect the guilty), which seems to be the case 95% of the time anyway. The previous owner on my boat made it a condition of sale that the name be changed, as he apparently wanted to reuse it. That was just fine by me.

Contrary to popular belief, Poseiden is NOT disturbed by a name change unless you fail to conduct the proper renaming ceremony -- here there's some latitude. You can look up some examples of a "renaming ceremony" online, but I believe you can modify it slightly as long as the basic elements are there.
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Old 25-08-2008, 09:54   #23
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So, what are the basic elements ? (he asks with simple nievity)
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Old 25-08-2008, 21:59   #24
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Neptune Cares...

Originally Posted by MoonlightShadow View Post
So, what are the basic elements ? (he asks with simple nievity)
Well Neptune is king of his realm and all that is in it. When you read the fine print it is about us keeping Neptune up to speed with what is in his realm.

When we put a boat in his realm we have to perform a ceremony to launch the boat and add the boat to the rolls. Neptune is happy because he knows the boat which is in his realm.

If we change the boat name without informing Neptune he gets pissed. A little ego I would guess but that's ok as he "is" king of the sea and all that - LOL.

So we have to de-roll the boat and add the new name.

De-rolling the boat is about making a little speach, inscribing the name of the off-roll boat on a metallic plate and casting it in the sea. Over time it erodes and the name is removed from the scrolls.

At this point the name must be banished from the boat. any occurence of the name in paperwork, float rings etc. must be erased lest Neptune get confuse and smite the boat - LOL.

After that you basically add the new boat name to the rolls by doing all the normal stuff.

Announcing the new name to Neptune and if a sail boat to the wind gods
Pouring a little red wine (used to be virgin's blood) into the water to appease Neptune
Pouring a little wine over the bow of the boat for luck while asking the boat to take care of you
A silver coin is requested to go under the mast - this is basically the ships emergency funds from the old days. Hiding a suitable "coin" on the boat is OK.
Applying the new name to the boat
Getting you and your friends snockered on the docks.

There is frequent ship's bell ringing througout to wake everyone up and there might be a few other items. I periodically post my favorite script.
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Old 26-08-2008, 07:02   #25
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A boats name is a reflection of the owners personality, tastes, beliefs or life philosophy, so why suffer with a name that you truly dislike that is not you?[/quote]

That's why Imagine was changed from Murmel, marble in German. Of course I changed her whole exterior color scheme too!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 27-10-2014, 04:44   #26
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Re: Good to name of a boat before owning a boat? (yes/no)

I understand how re-naming a boat my have been considered as bad carma by early superstitious and religious zealots, but today? I think we know better. The first sail boat I bought was named "Entante Cordiale" (Eternaly Cordial?) I changed it to Southern Star and sailed it extensively for twenty years and I can't think of one bad thing that ever happened to it that couldent be explained by wear and tear. I just removed the name of the Pearson I bought last year and re-named that Southern Star as well. Sweep the superstition under the rug.
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Old 01-11-2014, 14:58   #27
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Re: Good to name of a boat before owning a boat? (yes/no)

As we started to narrow our search we pretty much decided on the name for whatever boat we decided. After we purchased last month we waited a week to make sure it was still right and we sent in the CG reg with our new name. The old name was more of a racing type name and just didn't suit us, although it worked for the boat. Ultimately it's our boat and the name needs to suit us. Plus we like any excuse for a party.

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Old 03-11-2014, 12:29   #28
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Re: Good to name of a boat before owning a boat? (yes/no)

Originally Posted by vveerrgg View Post
if I bought a used boat... DEFINITELY I would keep the name.

But in the situation of buying a new boat... is there a rule?
If it's a new boat, you're the first owner. You can call it anything you like. If you've already got a name in mind, good for you. It took me 4 years to build our boat, and we hadn't settled on a name until the last week before launch.

With a second-hand boat it depends on how superstitious you are, and whether or not you like the name it already has. If I bought a used boat with a name I didn't like I'd change it.
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Old 03-11-2014, 14:08   #29
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Re: Good to name of a boat before owning a boat? (yes/no)

How can anyone be so superstitious as to not change a name on a boat? Good grief, I once bought a boat named "Entante Cordiale", if I couldn't change that I would not have bought the boat. I don't want to live with someone else's name, and I paid to be able to have my own!
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Old 04-11-2014, 04:30   #30
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Re: Good to name of a boat before owning a boat? (yes/no)

Originally Posted by lesterbutch View Post
How can anyone be so superstitious as to not change a name on a boat? Good grief, I once bought a boat named "Entante Cordiale", if I couldn't change that I would not have bought the boat. I don't want to live with someone else's name, and I paid to be able to have my own!

Well said, some names I see on boat I just go..... WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!!!!
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