From ghosties and ghoulies, and long leggedy beasties, and from things that go bump! in the night, good Lord deliver us.
Lots of hatches have friction hinges that wear with time and UV exposure. Perhaps that is the source of the difficulty. The fixes have to do with increasing friction, one way and another....including replacement.
Or perhaps you really wanted ghost stories?
__________________ Who scorns the calm has forgotten the storm.
They say, if you are ever stopped by the Flying Dutchman and her captain there are some things you should do. If you are asked your rank, shrug. If he asks you for water, point to the sea. If you are asked to take letters ashore, refuse, for if you take them, your ship will never reach port.
I have lived in several houses that were haunted. I've seen ghosts in a couple hotel rooms as well.
Thankfully our boat is not haunted! For which, I am very grateful